Page 23 of Wasted Time
I jerked up my chin, and he walked away just as Jane pressed her nose against the side of my neck and inhaled deeply. “You smell so good.” She took another deep breath. “Why do you smell so good?”
When she burrowed in tighter against me and ran her lips over my neck, my dick throbbed. I gently pushed her back until I could see her eyes. “I’m taking you to my room, but I’m not gonna fuck you.” Her legs tightened around my waist, and I felt my determination slipping. I wanted nothing more than to rip off her jeans and sink into her right here, but I didn’t fuck girls who were too drunk to make that decision.
She placed her lips against mine and smiled. “I wouldn’t stop you.”
I already knew that, but she wouldn’t feel the same in the morning. “Not gonna be another person who disappoints you.”
She shifted and laid her head on my shoulder again, her voice drowsy when she spoke. “Will you stay with me?”
My shoulders sagged in defeat. I wouldn’t tell her no, but it was going to take an awful lot of willpower to sleep next to her and not do every damn thing my dick wanted me to do.
“Yeah, baby, I’ll stay with you.”
Snugglinginto the warmth surrounding me, I blinked my eyes open slowly. It was dark, but I could see the sun peeking in through the blinds hanging on the window across from where I lay. My head pounded, so I closed my eyes, trying to get my bearings, and felt my body shift. I opened my eyes immediately and lifted my head, only to see a very naked chest below me. Almost at the same time, something that felt very much like a hand flexed against my butt cheek.
My naked butt cheek.
Pushing back a little, I lifted my eyes to see Tank’s sleepy ones focused entirely on me. He slowly dragged his hand from underneath my underwear, where it had been against my bare skin. Why was I only in underwear? Where were my pants?
He wrapped his hands around my hips, and I pushed off him, immediately missing the warmth of his skin on mine. I’d never slept with a man. I’d dated my ex for a long time, and we had sex, but we always separated and slept at our own houses. I didn’t even want to think about how much I liked waking up on top of Tank’s hard body.
Pushing back farther, I sat my butt on my heels and stared at him. “Did we…?”
“No,” he answered immediately, his voice gruff. “You remember anything?”
I let out a long breath and ran my hand over my forehead, trying to remember last night. When flashes began appearing in my mind, I spoke. “I remember dancing. And drinking.” I focused on him. “A lot.” He jerked up his chin, so I continued to piece together my flashes of memories. I dropped my eyes until something occurred to me, and I once again met his stare. “Did I eat dessert?”
He grinned, and my belly tightened unexpectedly. How could someone look so good after they woke up? My eyes traveled slowly over the tattoos on his arms starting at his shoulders and ending on his wrists. I wondered how long that took, but even more, I pondered why they turned me on as much as they did.
When he spoke, I raised my eyes. “You ate dessert, and you liked it.”
“Hmm…” I rolled my lips together. “I never really ate sweets growing up.”
“Yeah, you told me.”
I considered that, and dread filled me. “What else did I tell you?”
“You told me why you weren’t allowed to have sweets.”
My stomach sank. I didn’t want him to know what my mom and most of my family called me. He said he thought I was beautiful last night, but I wasn’t sure I believed that. After all, if my own mother thought I was plain, then it had to be true. Mothers think their children are beautiful, and if mine didn’t, then there had to be a reason.
Summoning my courage, I asked what I needed to know. Or at least I began to ask. “Did I tell you…”
I hesitated, but I didn’t have to worry because he finished for me. “Your nickname?” I swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah, you told me.”
Dropping my hands, I played with the hem of my shirt. “Oh.” Shrugging, I pretended it didn’t matter. “You can just chalk that up to being drunk.”
He pushed to sitting and leaned his back against the headboard, but I still didn’t meet his eyes. “Please tell me you don’t believe that shit.”
Embarrassed, I scooted down to the end of the bed and refused to answer. He would know I was lying if I tried to deny it, so I chose to change the subject. “Why don’t I have pants on?”
When he didn’t answer right away, I lifted my eyes to his and noticed him watching me closely. He exhaled heavily but then replied. “You said you were too hot and couldn’t sleep in pants. You had them off before I could stop you.”
I huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, that sounds true. I don’t usually sleep in pants because I get too hot or they get twisted.” My eyes widened, and my face flushed red when I realized I was sharing an awful lot with someone I barely knew. Moving off the bed, I grabbed my jeans from the chair by the door and slid them on. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have shared that.”