Page 30 of Wasted Time
Bear snorted. “Good point.”
When he hesitated, I leaned my hip against the Jeep. “Somethin’ else on your mind?”
“Got a bad feeling, brother.” He put his hands on his hips. “Not sure if it’s because of all the shit we’ve been through this year or what, but my gut’s telling me that something’s comin’.”
“What do you want to do about it?”
He shrugged. “Not sure what the fuck could be coming, so how the hell can we get ahead of it?”
Lifting my hand, I ran it around the back of my neck and studied the concrete floor. He was right. We couldn’t get ahead of something we couldn’t predict. “Been here before.”
He frowned. “Not many of us were here during those times, but you and I were. We remember the fallout, and I refuse to lose anyone else.”
I exhaled loudly. “Think it’s time to meet with Hawk?”
He jerked up his chin. “Don’t want to but we might not have any other choice.”
“You think Skinner’s right? That we can trust him?”
“Got no reason to doubt it. Hawk’s done every damn thing he said he was going to do. He was cleaning house with the local Widows chapter, and nobody has so much as breathed in our direction.”
When my phone dinged, alerting me to an incoming text message, I glanced over my shoulder, but I didn’t move to check it. I needed to make sure we were done talking first.
Bear’s eyes flicked behind me, and he grinned. “Jane?”
Shaking my head, I put my hands on my hips. “Yeah.”
“What’s your plan with her?”
He was asking me that for a lot of reasons. He saw our differences, but was also the first one to point out that she made me smile in a way I hadn’t in a very long time. He was also probably told or heard through the grapevine that she and I had been goin’ at it in the kitchen. No way did Ritz keep his damn mouth shut about that. He also just wanted the best for me. He was my brother in every way that counted.
“I hate what her family’s doin’ to her, man. Just want to get her out of there, but I have no idea what the hell I’d do with her if I did.”
He chuckled. “What does she want?”
Snorting out a laugh, I shook my head. “She has no fucking clue what she wants. All she knows is that she wants to find her way in this life.”
“That’s fair. Don’t we all want that?”
“Not in her world apparently.” It was obvious by his expression that he didn’t understand what I meant, so I continued. “Her mother set up a date for her with an attorney. She went out with him Saturday night before she came here. He already offered her marriage, but one of convenience she said. It’s like he just wants a mother for his kids so he can go out and fuck around.”
Bear’s eyebrows drew together. “She’s okay with that?”
“I think that’s all she knows. I have a feeling all the men in her life and her immediate world have fucked around. It doesn’t seem like she expects anything else.”
“That’s messed up.” He laughed. “And I’m a biker sayin that’s messed up.”
My shoulders relaxed, and I smiled at his joke even though it was the truth. “Difference is we make no promises until we’re ready to be with just one woman. These shitheads promise the world and then do whatever the hell they want.”
“You want a relationship with this girl?” Bear asked.
I ran my hand along the side of my neck and frowned. “Don’t really do relationships, you know that. Not sure I should change that now.”
“You better figure that out before you keep bringin’ her around.” I met his stare while he continued speaking. “That girl has relationship written all over her. She’s not gonna just fuck around, no matter what she’s tellin’ you. She may think that’s what she wants, but we know better. We’ve met women who are built for that life and ones who think they are. The ones who think they are don’t last very long before they’re expectin’ more.” When I didn’t respond right away, he gestured toward the table where my phone lay. “You already invite her here this weekend?”
“But you had plans to?” he surmised correctly.