Page 69 of Wasted Time
He grunted, but he was still smiling. “Yeah, I like you. I have no fucking clue why, though.”
I slapped his chest and laughed when he did. “You’re the worst.”
He ran his hand over my hip and down my thigh. “You don’t believe that.” He dropped his lips to my shoulder and skimmed them along my skin.
I sighed and floated my fingertips down his chest and over his stomach. When he sucked in a breath, I smiled. “I like the piercing.”
He trailed his lips to my ear. “Already knew that, baby.” He pulled back and shoved his hand in my hair before gently pushing my head back. “You still tired?”
“A little,” I admitted.
“You’ve got two choices, sweetheart, go to sleep or let me fuck you again.”
“You don’t want to talk?” I asked, but I was only teasing.
He smirked. “Got you naked and pressed up against me. We can talk tomorrow when I’m not distracted by everything under my hands.”
Smiling, I ran my hand over his stomach and wrapped it around his hard length. “I’m not that tired.”
“Thank god.” He crushed his lips to mine and rolled us so I was sprawled across his muscular body.
I had a feeling we weren’t going to get much sleep tonight.
And I wasn’t complaining.
I didn’t wantto get up.
With Jane pressed tight against my side, I thought about all the shit I still wanted to do with her, but we needed food and some coffee. I trailed my fingers over her spine, and she sighed in her sleep. Christ, she was amazing. She had no idea, which only made her sexier to me.
Once again, running my hand over her back, I decided to wake her. “Princess.” She sighed again, and I smiled. “I’m starving. I’m gonna get up and get something to eat. Do you want anything?”
“Hmm…” Her eyelids fluttered open, and my heart slammed in my chest when her gorgeous green eyes locked on mine. “Coffee sounds good.”
I squeezed her ass playfully. “Then we gotta go downstairs.”
She yawned. “Okay. Can I take a quick shower first?”
“Yeah.” I kissed her softly. “I’ll go down and make coffee. You good with coming down when you’re done?”
“Mm-hmm,” she murmured.
I chuckled when her eyelids began to flutter closed. “You gonna fall back to sleep?”
“Maybe.” She sighed.
I pulled my arm from beneath her and decided to let her sleep. I’d make the coffee and some food to bring back to the room. We didn’t need to leave today, anyway. I took a quick shower before throwing on some clothes, and with one last glance at the bed, I headed downstairs. I’d lost count of how many times we turned to each other through the night, and we did it without a condom, but now that I knew she was on the pill, I had no intention of wearing one unless she asked me to.
I hit the bottom stair and walked toward the kitchen, a little surprised when I heard voices. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I saw it was already eleven in the morning, but I hadn’t expected anyone to be around on a Saturday morning.
Clearing the doorway, I saw Josie and Bear eating lunch. “What are you guys doing here?”
“Grabbing some lunch.” Bear jerked up his chin and smirked. “Have a good night?”
“Bear!” Josie admonished him. “That’s none of our business.”