Page 86 of Wasted Time
“He’s gonna talk,” I replied. “He’s our only lead right now.”
When my cell phone rang, I pulled it from my pocket and answered immediately, again putting it on speaker. “Bear.”
“You find him?”
“Found his truck,” I stated. “Know from Hawk that he went in by way of the fire escape, telling us he’s not there legally.”
“Agree with that.”
“We parked and are waiting for him to come out.”
Bear hesitated, and I shared a look with Ritz. “What’s going on?”
“Got the call.”
My whole body tensed. “When?”
“Few minutes ago.” He grunted. “Prick told me he’d let her go for five hundred K.”
“He say anything else?” Ritz asked when I remained quiet.
I should’ve answered but just knowing Bear spoke to him verified what we already knew, but it made it real in a different way. Someone had Jane, and he’d had for way too long.
“Gave us forty-eight hours to come up with it.”
I cleared my throat, trying like hell to control my anger. “And if we don’t?”
Bear exhaled loudly. “He made it clear he wasn’t fucking around.”
“He say anything about her dad?”
“No, which tells me he’s keeping that option open too.”
I slammed my hand against the steering wheel. “You recognize his voice? Anything about him when he was talking?”
“Nothing,” Bear replied, but his tone gave away his frustration. “Hoped I might. He sounded older, though, so that fits with what Hawk’s boys were sayin’.”
“Well, well, well, look who’s coming out.”
My head snapped up when I saw the kid crawl out of the window on the third floor. “Gotta go.”
“I issued you an order, brother, expect you to follow it,” Bear said sternly before I heard the call end.
“I’ll approach.” Ritz shoved open his door and threw his cigarette to the ground. “He doesn’t know me, so he might not run. Give us an edge.”
I didn’t have time to say anything before Ritz was out of the truck and heading toward the kid. I pushed open my door and stepped out, wanting to give Ritz the jump but knowing I didn’t have that kind of patience or time. Jane was in more danger the longer she stayed with this guy and he didn’t get what he wanted.
“Hey, kid.” Ritz was right behind him when he finally called out.
The kid turned, and his eyes widened when he saw Ritz, telling me he did recognize him. I took off as soon as it was obvious he was gonna run, but I didn’t have to because Ritz moved quickly. He grabbed his wrists, yanked him back, and then forced his chest against the side of his truck.
“Don’t make me hurt you.”
Ritz turned him around when I approached and for the first time I got a good look at him. Christ, he couldn’t be more than eighteen years old.
Getting right in his face, I lowered my voice. “Who are you?”