Page 9 of Wasted Time
Her smile slowly faded, and she leaned forward. “Which one?”
I glanced at Rachel, and we shared a look of confusion. “There’s more than one?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “A good one and a not-so-good one.”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Two men from a motorcycle club gave me a ride here six months ago, and I wanted to repay them.”
“Do you remember their names?” she asked.
“Tank,” I said, and she shook her head, so I continued. “The other one’s name was Race.”
“Race.” She smiled. “I know Race. Well, that’s not true. I know Race’s girlfriend, Becs, because she cuts my hair. You’re looking for the Sinners club.”
“Sinners,” Rachel said quietly.
I agreed that sounded ominous, but I pushed forward. “Are they the good ones or the not-so-good ones?”
The girl’s smile grew. “The good ones.”
“Oh, thank god,” Rachel said from beside me.
“Can you tell me where they are?”
“I’ve never been there, but I know if you follow Hickory, you’ll eventually end up on a deserted country road. They’re out there somewhere.”
Nodding, I thanked her, and we returned to my SUV. It wasn’t until we were inside that Rachel finally spoke. “Are you sure this is a good idea? It sounds like they’re isolated.”
I considered that for a moment, then realized that indecision and fear had ruled my life for long enough. I’d come this far, and I wasn’t turning back until I found out if he could help me.
And if he couldn’t, I’d find someone who could.
I slida beer in front of Race’s dad and his uncle before grinning at my friend. Race had extended an offer for his dad and uncle to come to New Hope and thought they wouldn’t accept it, but they had. I was with him at his uncle’s house when he made that offer, and I knew right then that they were coming. It was just something in his dad’s eyes, probably something Race couldn’t see after years of bad blood between them, but to an outsider, it was obvious. His dad was looking for a chance to make things right, and if moving to New Hope was the first step in making that happen, then he would do that.
Race was finally settled. It took him many years, the baby he was holding, and the woman walking toward him to find the peace he’d been searching for when we met in a bar outside of town, and I invited him back to the clubhouse. That day, I saw in him what I’d seen in myself years ago after I left the military, and I knew he was searching for a place to belong.
Bear, our club’s president, moved to stand by the bar, and they began talking about where Race’s dad and uncle could stay until they found a house of their own. I wasn’t surprised when Bear offered them a room at the clubhouse. We all had a room, and there were more than enough to spare. It was something Bear wanted to offer to all the members when he established the club, including the prospects. Most of the prospects were young and just getting their lives situated, so they benefited from a free room.
Some of the members considered the clubhouse their permanent residence, while others had homes off the property. I never had a reason to find my own place, and considering I work as a mechanic for the club’s auto body shop, it only made sense for me to live on the property.
I listened to the conversations around me until the door was shoved open and one of the prospects poked his head inside. “We’ve got a situation.”
“What?” Bear asked, heading for the door.
The prospect stepped to the side. “Said she’s looking for someone.”
“Hi. Sorry to bother you. I was just looking for Tank.”
Even though I couldn’t see her, I knew that voice, and it pissed me off that the sound of her voice sent a shot of arousal through my system.
When the door closed and Bear stepped to the side, I laid my eyes on the girl I hadn’t been able to forget in six fucking months. “Jane.”
Her head snapped to the left, and her green eyes settled on me. She smiled, almost timidly, and took a small step forward. “Hi, Tank.”
Bear looked back and forth between us before settling on Jane. “How do you know each other?”