Page 90 of Wasted Time
He paused but finally answered. “It’s after midnight, so it’s Thursday, Jane.”
I didn’t say more. Instead, I ignored him and closed my eyes. I was so tired and my body hurt so bad that I knew if I just went to sleep, I’d feel better.
I woke when I was being jostled and opened my eyes just in time to see a doctor lean over me. “Hi, Jane. I’m Dr. Martin. We’re going to check you out. Is there anyone we can call for you?”
Tears welled in the corners of my eyes, but I swallowed them back. I only had one person who I could always call. One person I could always count on.
“Rachel Williams,” I answered quietly. “She lives in Riverton.”
“You got it,” he announced and they wheeled me into another room.
I was in and out of it while they hooked me up to several machines, and at one point, I must’ve fallen asleep. But when I finally woke again, the room was quiet.
A nurse was beside me, doing something to a machine, and when she saw my eyes open, she smiled. “Hey there.”
“Hi,” I answered, but my throat felt like it was on fire.
She grabbed the cup of water on the table beside my bed and held the straw to my lips. “This’ll help.”
After I finished, she put the cup down. “I’m going to page the doctor since you’re awake.”
The door barely closed behind her when it was pushed open and Rachel flew inside. She halted and let out a cry when she saw me, but then she started toward me. “Can I hug you?”
“Sure,” I answered but noticed she was very gentle when she leaned against me. She pulled back. “Who did this to you?”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
She nodded. “The police are right outside your door. They need to talk to you.”
Just then, the door was pushed open, and a doctor walked through. “Hi, Jane. How are you feeling?”
“That’s the pain medicine.” He came to stand beside my bed and flipped through some papers on a clipboard before meeting my stare. “You have extensive injuries, some new, some old.”
“What are they?”
“You have two broken ribs on your left side. A gash on your temple that should’ve had staples when it happened, but it appears to be healing itself. It will leave a scar, though.” I listened while he continued. “You also have a few broken ribs and sprained wrist, both on the left side.”
“That must be where the accident happened.”
His eyebrows raised. “Do you remember being in an accident?”
I tried to think back. “No, not really.”
“How did you get the cuts on your hands and stomach?”
Licking my lips, I lifted my hands, and they had bandages. “I climbed out a window.”
“Your car window?”
“No, a basement window.”
He shared a look with Rachel that told me he was concerned before meeting my eyes again. “I’m going to send in the police now. They’ll need to ask you some questions. I’ll return when they’re done, and we’ll finish talking about your recovery and what you can expect.”
“Thank you,” I said softly, but I didn’t think he heard me before he closed the door.