Page 34 of Made For Romeo
“It’s a surprise. Now, what do you want to eat? I’ll order it and have it waiting.”
“It must be nice being Hollywood royalty,” she jokes.
“This coming from the woman whose whole family is hockey royalty.” I chuckle. “We are going to discuss why you didn’t tell me.”
“There isn’t anything to tell.” She shrugs, walking back into her closet.
“Your brother is the top scorer of the league. Your grandfather is a legend,” I remind her. She comes out wearing tight white jeans with holes in the knees, with a matching white tank top that fits her like a glove. Her tits look fucking perfect as she holds a light pink jacket in her hand.
“My family is known in the hockey world,” she huffs, putting on her white sneakers. “Your family is known worldwide.”
I shake my head and wait for her to tell me she is done, kissing her lips and walking out to the car. I order us food while I drive there, and when we get to the hotel, I tell the valet I’ll be out in an hour. I walk with her hand in hand as we make our way to my suite. As soon as I walk into the suite, the ding of the elevator sounds again, and the food is arriving. The room service guy smiles at her, making me glare at him. “Eat while I change.” I kiss her lips before turning back to the man. “My girlfriend will be eating first.” I emphasize the word girlfriend.
“Oh, dear,” Gabriella says before walking over and sitting on the couch. We finish eating in under an hour, and when I’m getting back into the car, I punch the address in the GPS. I reach over and grab her hand as I follow the directions to the place.
“What is this?” She looks over at me, then back at the water.
“Well, I had to google places to go on a date in Dallas, and the top hit was Top Golf,” I explain to her, and she laughs. “This was under romantic.”
“But what is it?” she asks as she opens the door and steps out. I meet her at the back of the car as she looks around.
“Come on.” I slip my hand in hers as we walk toward the ramp. “This isn’t Venice,” I say to her as she looks around, “but it’s the closest thing I could get.” I stop in front of the man who is waiting.
“Mr. Beckett?” he asks, and I just nod. “My name is Mario, and I’m your gondolier.” I look over at Gabriella, who puts her hands to her mouth. “Right this way.”
I look around at the lake and wonder if we are maybe going on a kayak when I hear the man say his name and what he does. “Did he just say he’s a gondolier?” I ask Romeo as he follows the man with his fingers intertwined with mine.
“That is what he said.” Romeo grins at me, and all I can do is smile, looking around when I see a gondola that looks exactly like the ones in Venice.
“Watch your step,” Mario cautions as he steps on the back of the boat, right next to the paddle, the red seats in front of him waiting for us. Right in front of the seats is a stainless-steel bucket with a bottle of something.
Romeo gets into the boat first before holding out his hand to make sure I get in okay. I step in and then sit down in the seat looking forward. Romeo sits down right next to me. “Are we ready?” Mario asks and all I can do is smile and nod. Romeo puts his arm around my shoulder as Mario takes us through the canals. I lay my head on Romeo’s shoulder as we both listen to Mario tell us stories. Both of us are just happy to be in each other’s company.
We stay out for I don’t even know how long, but when we make our way back, there are lots more people than when we got here. The boat pulls over to the side, and Mario gets out, holding out his hand to Romeo, who then turns and holds out his hand for me. “Thank you.” I smile at him and he just wraps his arm around my waist and bends to kiss me. I kiss him, and only then does it dawn on me that we are outside in public.
I quickly look around to see if anyone is looking our way and see a couple of people looking at us, and I see two people pointing. I don’t even hear what Mario just said, so all I do is smile and nod. Romeo slips his fingers with mine. “Thank you so much, Mario.” He extends his hand to shake Mario’s. “It was perfect.” Romeo then looks over at me. “You ready to go?”
I nod at him and then turn to Mario. “It was beautiful, thank you.”
Romeo doesn’t look around; instead he just looks at me. “Want to go for ice cream?” he asks, and even though my head screams we should go back home, all I can do is smile and nod.
I do another sweep of the place and see that no one is looking this way, so I feel a touch better. He opens the passenger door, and I lean up and kiss his lips. “That was the best.” I smile at him, and he bends his head to give me a kiss, and this time he slips his tongue in with mine. My eyes close as soon as his tongue touches mine. I get lost in the kiss and almost forget where we are, pressing my chest to his.
I’m literally panting when he lets me go. “So ice cream?”
“Or,” I counter, holding his hips in my hands, “we go back to your place and order room service and you can eat the ice cream off me.” I kiss under his chin and I can see him biting down as he glares at me. “What? It’s just a suggestion.”
“Suggestion is noted,” he says between clenched teeth. “Now get in the car.”
“You used to be a lot more fun.” I wink at him, getting into the car. He closes the door and I see him look up at the sky and breathe out before walking around the hood. He gets in and starts the car. “You okay there?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “This isn’t easy for me.” He looks over at me. “I’d love to spend the next week buried in you.”
I open my eyes. “The week?” I laugh. “I was thinking maybe a couple of hours.”