Page 40 of Made For Romeo
“What do you want to tell them?” she asks and I look over at her.
“I don’t want to hide that I’m in love with you,” is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. “But then again, I’m embarrassed and ashamed of what I did.” She smiles sadly at me. “But it’s what made me the man I am.”
“Why don’t we say we met at the hockey game, and then you asked me out?” she suggests.
I let out a little sigh of relief. “But what if they find out that we lied to them?”
“No one is going to find out,” she assures me, and I just raise my eyebrows at her. “You know. I know.”
“My father, mother, and sister know,” I inform her. “And if I’m honest, my sister would probably put my face up on a billboard in Times Square with the words cheater stamped across my forehead.” She can’t help but laugh.
“Well, my sister knows and so does my mother,” she says. “They won’t say anything.” She stops talking and then thinks. “I want to say she won’t tell my father, but I’m not sure.”
“If it comes up, we’ll deal with it. So for now, we met at the hockey game, and I charmed you into a date.”
She just laughs. “Yeah, let’s go with that.” She comes over and kisses my lips. “Now can you get dressed so we can make our entrance?” She gets up. “I’m going to raid your minibar.”
I get up, walking over to the closet and grabbing a pair of black jeans and a gray sweater. I slip out of my basketball shorts and replace them with black jeans. I grab a T-shirt before I put on the sweater and then walk into the bathroom. I wet my hands and push my hair back before spraying some of the cologne I know she loves on me.
I grab the leather jacket off the chair and walk out, seeing her snatching the bag of peanut M&M’s. “How does this look?”
She laughs as she tosses one into her mouth. “Like we match.” She looks down at her outfit. “United front, I like it.”
“Shall we go?” I ask, and she nods at me.
We walk out, and she looks over at me. “I didn’t bring my car.”
“How did you get here?” I ask, stopping and pressing the elevator button.
“Uber.” She steps in when the doors open. I press the button for the lobby, turning to look at her. “Should I order a car?” She pulls out her phone.
“No, I can get one from the hotel.” I turn to her, and she puts the phone back in her pocket.
She steps closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. My hands go to her hips. “I’m sorry I freaked out before.”
“It’s okay,” I tell her honestly. “We should have talked about the what-if before we went out.” I take a deep breath. “But to be honest with you, I didn’t really care because I wanted to go out with you.” She is about to say something, and I stop her from talking. “And truthfully, I didn’t think anyone would be watching in Dallas.”
She smiles as she puts her head back. “Well, I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, but I’m glad I did because it made me see that I want this also.”
I smile so big that my cheeks hurt as I bend my head to kiss her lips. “Really?” I swear to God if she never tells me anything else tonight, this will be enough.
“Really,” she confirms, right before I grab her face in my hands and kiss her. My tongue slides into hers as we go around and around. I don’t even notice the ping of the elevator door until someone clears their throat.
I turn my head, seeing a man dressed in a suit waiting to get on the elevator with his briefcase in his hand. “I’m assuming you aren’t going up?” He sort of glares at us.
“Nope,” I say, letting go of her face and sliding my hand into hers. “This is our stop.” I pull her out of the elevator with me. “Have a great day.”
She laughs beside me, her head held high as we walk out toward the valet stand. “Is there any way I can get a car?” I ask the guy who is standing there.
“Yeah, I think we have one,” he says, looking down at something on his screen. He opens the drawer in front of him, grabbing a pair of keys. “It’s an SUV.” He hands me the keys and points over to the G-Wagon.
“Wow,” she says, looking at the car, “apparently, this is what one drives in the war.” She stands beside the tank.
“I don’t know about that. I think the Hummer is much more warlike.” I open the door for her. “This is just me trying to woo you.”
She gets in and smiles at me. “Then let the wooing begin,” she declares, and I step into the door and kiss her lips.
“You haven’t been paying attention,” I tell her, softly kissing her again, “the wooing started already!”