Page 9 of Made For Romeo
The gold doors open and there stands the bellboy with two luggage carts behind him filled with bags. “These are the clothes.” The woman points at the carts. “Kristina sent me all your sizes, so I’ve assembled a wardrobe for you.” The bellboy pulls one cart out and then the other. He even has trouble pushing it, it looks like Jenga and I’m expecting some boxes to fall off.
“Excuse me,” I tell her, walking away from her and back to the bedroom where I search for my T-shirt, finding it in the bathroom on the floor. I put it on, even though it’s damp and probably stinks, there is no way I’m going to be in a hotel room with anyone not dressed. I have no idea if someone is going to snap a picture secretly and then sell it to the tabloids.
I walk back out and see Marcella and the bellboy are unloading the luggage cart. “These are suits.” Marcella looks at me as she grabs five garment bags. “They are to be hung.”
I grab them from her. “I don’t know what Kristina told you, but I was looking at more comfortable clothing and not this.” I hold up the garment bags.
“I have set you up with some daytime and nighttime outfits. Each outfit is paired together in each bag.” She points over at the bags. “I will hang everything and place everything in the drawers.”
I look at her and my head screams immediately ‘No.’ “That won’t be necessary, I can take care of that,” I assure her.
“Very well.” She nods. “In that case, I have this.” She walks over to the cart and grabs a red binder. “The outfits are all in here with pictures.”
She hands me the binder. “I’ll go and hang these,” I say, walking into the bedroom and tossing the binder on top of the dresser while I make my way to the closet, hanging the garment bags.
It takes the bellboy over an hour to unload all the things, while Marcella talks to me about the styles of clothes she chose for me. All I do is nod at her, and when they both finally leave, I look around at the piles of clothes. My phone rings, and I rush over, thinking that maybe it’s Gabriella, but then see it’s Kristina. “Didn’t I give you time off?” I answer her right away.
“You did, but Marcella called and said you were rude to her,” she mumbles.
“I was not rude.” I gasp. “I even took her stupid red binder.”
“Did you call it a stupid binder?” she asks. I hear her sheets rustling, so she’s in bed.
“Yes, I tossed it somewhere.” I look around the room, trying to find it or even remember where I put it. “By the way.” I walk over to the clothes. “I asked for you to get me a couple of things.”
“And I did.” Her voice goes higher in annoyance.
“You got me suits?” I chuckle as I grab one of the bags and walk into the bedroom, hoping it’s a pair of jeans and a plain T-shirt.
“Well, I have no idea what you are doing there,” she informs me, “so I wanted to make sure you were prepared for anything.”
“Thank you,” I say, looking around the place. “Now I have to let you go because I have to put away all these clothes.”
“Why didn’t Marcella do it?” she asks and all I can do is shake my head.
“I’m not letting a woman who I don’t know handle my clothes,” I gruff out.
“That woman even packed your panties.” She laughs.
“They aren’t called panties.” I close my eyes and put my head back.
“Well, someone’s panties are in a twist and they’re not mine.” She can’t help but laugh at her own joke.
“I’m letting you go now,” I tell her, hanging up the phone and throwing it on the couch before walking to the bedroom and tossing the bag on the bed. I turn it upside down, shaking the things out but see that everything is in its own box. “This is going to take me forever,” I whine as I unpack the first box. It doesn’t take me forever, but it does take me close to two hours to get everything unpacked. She even brought me five pairs of sneakers.
I slip off my T-shirt and toss it on the chair in the corner of the room, followed by my jeans and boxers. I walk into the bathroom, heading straight for the shower and turning it on. I step in just as the water turns from cold to warm and then to hot. I place my hands on the marble wall and let the hot water pour down my neck. I take the longest shower I’ve taken in a while because I had to give myself a hand job when I thought about going to see Gabriella. Turning the water off and opening the glass door, I snatch a towel off the rack and wrap it around my waist. I brush my teeth before I walk back to the bedroom and put on blue jeans and a white shirt.
Going back to the bed, I press zero for the front desk. “Good afternoon, Mr. Beckett.” Frederick picks up. “How may I assist you?”
“Hey, Frederick, would it be possible to get a car?” I ask, opting not to take the bike.
“Of course, I can have one ready now,” he says.
“Great, I’ll come down and get the keys,” I tell him before I disconnect the line. I grab my aviator sunglasses and cell phone before I make my way down to the lobby. Frederick is waiting at the elevator when I step off it.
“I have your car waiting,” he states, turning and making his way to the back door.
The black Mercedes is waiting for me with a driver holding open the back door. “Oh, I don’t need a driver,” I inform him, holding out my hand for the keys.