Page 9 of Yours Since Nineteen
It was crazy. I’d spent more than half of my life away from Tabiq. The food here was so comforting, especially my mother’s cooking. It reminded me of when I was young and helped her prepare dinner for my father. But that was just one thing I couldn’t get back in Canada. I hadn’t spoken in my native tongue since I was eighteen, and I might be a bit rusty, but it still felt good. Though, I made sure not to speak it in front of MaKayla out of the guilt that I was the reason she didn’t know how to speak or understand it. If she wanted to learn, I could teach her, or her grandparents would be happy to do so as well. They would be traveling back and forth to Tabiq to help with bringing families back together, but it was clear that her life was in New York now.
Staying here forever still wasn’t an option for me. I loved my country, my people, but I did not fit here. I was no longer the naïve young girl who had left. I’d grown more than I ever imagined I could. Not that being sexually taken advantage of was a good thing, but I never let it hold me back. Never allowed it to define me. And after receiving Michael’s warning about his father, it only strengthened me more. I could endure anything. If someone in fact was looking for me, I was not going to cower. They won’t have to worry about answering to MaKayla, or Damien. They’ll have to answer to me.
And here I was, back to what I really should be thinking about. Who in hell was looking for me? Standing there staring at the ocean, not one name came to mind. It was so frustrating. Then again, that might be because it wasn’t a real threat, and as I had pretended with MaKayla, it might be all about business, nothing personal.
Either way, MaKayla was overreacting. She was so protective of me. Chuckling I could only imagine what she would be like if I actually had agreed with her and said I wanted to date. She probably would’ve insisted on coming out on the date with us and have him pass a lie detector test before I could even accept the date.
Oh, poor her. She’s more like me than she would want to admit.
I was the one who taught her to be overprotective. If the circumstances had been different, then I was sure she would be much more carefree. But I loved her just the way she was, and I was confident that whatever she chose to do in this life, she would be successful at it.
I couldn’t help but smile. No matter what I had faced, it had all been worth it.
Staring off into the distance, beaming with pride, I could faintly make out what appeared to be a sailboat. A twinge of hope filled my heart.Declan, how I wish you would come and rescue me from my complicated life.
Declan was hired to transport me to Canada, but those few weeks on the sailboat had not just provided me the time I needed to prepare myself for my new life, but also helped me feel at peace. It was the only time I think I’d ever felt that way. I wasn’t sure if it was the open vast sea or the company, but I’d treasured those weeks, like no other. And when it had come to an end, and he’d delivered me safely to Halifax, I had been so reluctant to place my feet back on land. I wanted to stay on that boat forever. Stay with him. It wasn’t as though I really knew Declan, but he didn't just provide transportation. I knew he had honestly cared about our wellbeing. He demonstrated it in his actions, and I saw it in his eyes as when we parted ways.
The look of concern in his eyes was like none I’d ever seen before. He was conflicted in what to do, yet he had offered to stay with us until we were settled. I stupidly turned down his offer. I was afraid to get used to having him around to help. I was stubborn and was determined to close the door on everything from my past life, and unfortunately that meant the positive things as well.
The boat I had noticed earlier came closer to shore, and I was right, it was a sailboat. A grand looking one at that, too. Not that I believe in romance, but it would be something else if Declan just so happened to be on the boat and was on his way here. I was not sure why he would come here, but if I was daydreaming, I might as well go all the way and pretend he was coming for me.He’s been dreaming of me all these years and is going to sweep me off my feet, and we’re going to sail away into the sunset. And this time I won’t send him away.
Funny to have such thoughts about a man I hadn’t seen in twenty-six years. But boy, he left one hell of an impression. I burst out laughing so hard that people walking below my balcony looked up at me. I stepped back and shook my head. There was no time for such foolish thoughts, even if no one knew I was having them. I’d always lived in reality, and thinking I was anything more than a job to Declan was pure fantasy.
I went back inside my hotel room and closed the balcony door along with any lingering thoughts of Declan. The past was in the past and I was not giving it another second of my time.
There was nothing left for me to do but pack my bags and get ready to go back to the cottage that I had been staying at these last few months. It was nice that all of us had stayed at the New Hope Resort for the wedding, but I wanted to be back in my own bed. Back where I had a kitchen and quiet. Being surrounded by tourists all the time wasn’t doing it for me. The only thing I was going to miss about the resort was the beach. It was so welcoming, and I could have stayed there all day if time permitted. I could see why Draven wanted to remain here longer. I didn’t really believe it had anything to do with me.
Once packed, I rang the bellhop to come and retrieve my bags. When I opened the door, it was Draven standing there.
“You must be kidding. Did they send you up here to collect my bags too?” I asked, feeling frustrated with my daughter.
He chuckled. “No. I was going to ask if you wanted to show me some of the island. Seems you can’t just drive off the resort without being escorted.”
That was funny. They were leaving Draven here to watch over me, and yet, I was going to be his escort on the island. Maybe having him around won’t be as bad as I first thought.
“That is something I can do but one stipulation.”
“What is that?” he asked.
“I’ve been at the hotel for the past few days and need to go into town for supplies. If you don’t mind going to the market with me, then I say we can leave when you’re ready,” I replied. I dreaded going into town. Not because I was afraid, but because they all remembered me as Lenia Pravost, the young girl who grew up here. Every time I heard that name, even though it was my legal birth name, it took me back to a time I preferred not to think about. I was Venus Prada now, a strong independent woman. One who didn’t live in fear. I embraced being Venus a a long time ago.The woman who left Tabiq at nineteen and raised a daughter alone.MaKayla didn’t know the person Lenia was and I didn’t want her to either.Another reason why I need off this island. I’m never going to be that person again. I have been Venus far too long to go back to being Lenia.
“I don’t care where you take me; I just want to get a better feel of this place. Can’t do that in the resort. It’s meant to cater to guests. Doesn’t reflect Tabiq. At least I don’t think it does.”
I shook my head. “Not at all. Although, the Hendersons have created something special here and have drawn in more revenue than we had before. For that, I’m thankful.”
“Hotels aren’t my thing. I’d rather sleep on the beach.”
“They might allow that,” I said. “Guess we should get going if I’m going to have you back here before dark.”
“No rush. When Damien left, he mentioned something about dinner. Home-cooked meals are hard to come by.”
I laughed. “Then it might take longer at the market than I originally thought because I love to cook.”
“Excellent. I love to eat. And maybe you can tell me all about Tabiq over dinner. No one here seems to want to talk about this place.”
“You’ll get used to it. Tabiqians are very leery with strangers.” I was that way too for so many years. But after living in Canada, I learned that not everyone lived that way. Not that I was an open book now, but I was not as closed off as I used to be.
“Sounds like that is a story all in itself,” he said. “Why don’t I grab those bags and we head out?”