Page 34 of Taming Savage
Everyone is quiet for a while, and I let them sit and mull it over. It is a risky plan and everything has to be done with precision in order for us to pull it off. While they think it over, I contemplate my exit strategy. It’s not elaborate. Just put away as much of the money from the gun and coke sales and get as far away from here as I can. Maybe move abroad, somewhere I won’t be noticed. That might be hard with my face, so I’ll have to find somewhere heavily populated where a scarred man won’t stand out any more than a blond man in a crowd. Find something to keep me busy and live in peace. With Quin and Michael with me, or free to do their own thing, Janet and Adam set up for life, I have a plan to take care of everyone.
Even Abel. Although, if I’m being honest with myself, I want to take him with me. I know it’s not possible, since he has a life, a brother, and I’m sure several jobs lined up for him when he graduates. He can’t live his life on the run with me. Because that’s what I’ll be—on the run. Who would want to take that risk?
Jake breaks into my thoughts. “That’s risky stuff, Savage. But I like it. It’ll send a message, that’s for sure.”
Jorge and Marcello agree, and we hash out a few more details before we wrap up. I look at my watch and see that it’s after eleven. Abel doesn’t stay up late. In that regard, he’s like an old man. He gets up before seven most days and is in the bed by ten if he makes it that late. I hear him moving around when I’m getting ready for work. He’s always up singing early in the morning. A bit off key—a lot off key—but it’s a pleasant sound because that means he’s happy, and I like the thought of Abel being happy.
When I get home, I tiptoe up the stairs, then turn the downstairs motion sensors back on, hoping Abel won’t want a snack. I hold my breath, then open my door, watching the light spill inside and seeing the small form of Abel in the middle of my bed. I let my breath out and try to stop the smile from spreading across my face, but it’s pointless. I know I asked him to stay with me, but I still half expect an empty bed. Seeing him lying there makes me want to keep him there forever.
I sit on the edge of the bed and touch his knee, shaking him gently. I don’t want to startle him, but I want him to know I’m back. He comes awake slowly, twisting and turning, then stretching like a cat. When he opens his eyes and sees me, a sleepy smile graces his lips. “Hey, Sav. How’d it go?”
I shrug, holding my hand out. He takes it and I haul him to me, kissing him softly, rubbing at his curly hair. He sinks into the kiss, moving his lips over mine and his hands around my neck.
When I move my lips from his, he sighs and puts his head on my shoulder. “Sav?” he calls me softly, muffled by my jacket.
“You stink, baby.” I laugh and nip at his shoulder, causing him to jump. I knew he wouldn’t like the smell of the cigars on me. Next time, I’m telling the bosses they can’t smoke them around me. Shit gets in my clothes and lingers.
I kiss the top of his head and lay him back down. “I’ll hop in the shower. You don’t have to wait up for me.”
“Mmkay,” he answers with a big yawn, then smiles up at me again. He’s so happy all the time.
After kissing his nose, I hop up and pull some things out so I can get a shower. I’m tired and I want to feel Abel in my arms.
He’s still awake when I get out. I slide between the sheets, and we meet each other halfway, almost colliding to get to each other. After brief laughter at our exuberance, Abel settles on my chest, and I put both arms around him. We both sigh in contentment.
“What happened at your meeting? You seem lighter,” Abel comments in a sleepy voice. It’s just like him not to miss that. Iamlighter. After I told the other bosses what I wanted to do, I could feel the weight of the decision to leave lift from my shoulders. I have my exit plan and a way to execute it. Now, all that’s left is actually doing it.
Squeezing him to me, I kiss his curls, feeling them tickle my nose, then answer his assertion. “I am. I found the solution to leave. We talked a bit about it tonight, so all I have to do is get the supplies and we can make it happen.”
“How long?”
“Six months,” I answer, giving him a new date and timeline. Then I curse. Abel must realize it too because he stiffens in my arms. If I leave in six months, that means we won’t have our full year. We’re down to just those if I keep everything in place. Do I ask him to come with me? Would he want to? Or should I just make the best of these remaining months? Maybe he’ll want to come. Maybe he’ll say yes.
No, he wouldn’t. I can offer him all the money in the world, but I wouldn’t be able to offer him stability. If things go wrong, I’ll be hunted for no other reason than I could come back and take my territory. There’s no way I can put Abel in danger for my selfish needs. Though I know I’ll miss him and will never have with anybody else what I have with him.
Letting out a long breath, Abel tries to sound upbeat. “Well, just think, in six more months, you won’t have to look over your shoulder anymore. That’s something, right?” His voice sounds weird—like it’s too high and too thin. I don’t comment on it because I’m sure he’s thinking what I’m thinking. We have to let go in six months.
“Yeah, that’s something.” I don’t want to leave the conversation like this. With us feeling down and depressed over the prospect of leaving. Well, I’m down and depressed. I can’t say how Abel feels because I can’t see his face. He’s easy to read with very expressive eyes so I would know, but he’s tucked into me and won’t raise his head. I try to force this heavy mood away. “What do you want for your graduation gift? You only have about six weeks left.”
He shrugs against me, yawning widely. “Not sure. I don’t know what to ask for.” He’s silent for a beat, then he says excitedly, “I know! I want a puppy!”
I laugh. “That’s a commitment, not a gift. And what about when you go back home?” And there I go again, fucking the mood up. I probably need to shut the fuck up and go to sleep already. I say stupid shit when I’m tired.
Abel doesn’t seem to mind. He doesn’t miss a beat. “Cris will have to deal. It’ll be my commitment, not his.”
“A puppy, huh?”
“Mmm hmm. A cute, fat, smushy English bulldog.”
I make a face that he can’t see. “A bulldog? Really?”
He sits up so quick, I almost lean back from him. “Yes! Sav, they’re so freaking adorable as puppies and they’re super loyal and protective. I had one—” He breaks off and seems to deflate. His lip trembles and he lays back on my chest, holding me tightly.
“What happened to your puppy, Abel?” I think I know, but I want him to tell me. I’ve opened up to him—maybe he’ll trust me now.
He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “He, uh … he drowned. With my parents.”