Page 43 of Taming Savage
“I’m here, baby,” I murmur, rubbing his cheek with the back of my hand.
He hugs me tightly around the waist, body shaking. “Thank you for coming. I know what it must mean for you.”
I smile down at him. “Anything for you, Abel.”
Giving me one more last squeeze, he looks over at my bodyguards. “My other men are here,” he jokes, and I watch Michael roll his eyes and I hear Quin give a small chuckle.
“Congratulations,” Quin says, leaning to give Abel a quick hug.
“Thank you, my handsome, handsome captor.”
Quin barks a laugh. “You’ll never let that go, will you?”
“You can bet your life I won’t,” Abel answers with a wink.
Michael slides the box into my hands and gives Abel a hug as well. When he steps back, Abel looks at the box curiously. When the box gives a small yip, his eyes fly to mine. “You didn’t!”
I raise an eyebrow and hold the box out to him. “Open it and see.”
With shaky hands, Abel opens the flap and a white paw and a black paw rest on the side of the flap he opened. Up pops the squishy, rolly head of a black and white English bulldog. It sniffs the air and when Abel sticks his hand by its mouth, the puppy licks him, then wiggles its little butt. The fat puppy tries to climb out of the box to get to Abel. My beauty reaches inside and pulls the pup out, cradling it to his chest. The tears flow freely from his eyes as he looks down at it, petting it softly and whispering to it.
We all watch Abel, not rushing him to look up from his new baby. He’s so intent on the dog that he doesn’t see his friend walk up. It takes his friend tapping on his shoulder for him to turn around. Abel looks at him and smiles widely. “I got a puppy, Damon,” he whispers in wonder.
Damon smiles, a really nice and happy smile, and says, “I see. What’s his name?” Damon steps up and scratches the puppy behind the ear and that earns him a quick lick on his hand.
Abel looks up at me and gives me a shaky smile. “Sav?”
“It’s up to you, baby. He’s yours.”
I see Damon look at me with wide eyes and I feel a bit sad that I embarrassed Abel by calling him baby. Damon probably thinks I’m the ugliest thing he’s ever seen and more than likely wonders what someone as pretty as Abel is doing with me.
What he says next takes me by surprise. “You got him a puppy for graduation? Do you have any brothers? I want a puppy for graduation.” He smiles at me warmly, stepping closer to rub behind the puppy’s ears and cooing to him.
Stunned, I look at Abel, not knowing how to take that interaction, and he winks at me. Damon must be as kind a soul as Abel. He made a good choice in friends.
Next to me, I see Michael shift. I look at him and see him taking discreet glances at Abel’s friend. I open my mouth to ask what’s up when Damon’s name is called. He turns around and waves at a few other people.
Looking back at Abel, he says, “I came to see if you want to have some drinks tonight to celebrate.”
Stepping in, I say, “Sorry, Damon. He has plans tonight.”
“Of course. Duh,” Damon says and chuckles. “Well …” He rubs behind the pup’s ears once more. “Congratulations Abel, and it’s good to finally meet you, Savage. Abel won’t shut up about you.” He trots off before I can comment on that.
I look down at Abel and he blushes. “He won’t tell anyone about you, I promise. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”
Pulling him in for a hug with the puppy squirming between us, I kiss the top of his head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, baby. It’s fine. Now,” I say, letting him go. “What’s the puppy’s name?”
Smiling, I rub Pogo’s head. “I think that’s perfect.”
Abel grins and hugs the puppy to his chest. We file out and make our way to the car. Grabbing my hand and threading his fingers through mine, he asks, “What are our plans for tonight? Can we take Pogo with us? I just love him already.” He nuzzles the top of the puppy’s head, a gentle smile on his face.
“You’re going to have to. Because we’re going away for the weekend.”
“The entire weekend? Where?”
“It’s a surprise.” I open the car door for him and he slides inside. I put the box that I’m still holding on the floor by his feet and Abel puts Pogo back inside. Surprisingly, the pup lies down on his side and huffs gently. He’ll probably be rocked to sleep soon.