Page 57 of Taming Savage
“I do. After what you went through for me, I’ll never question that.”
Even though I know he tries not to, Savage blames himself for what happened to me, but it’s not his fault. It’s one hundred percent Cris’s fault for selling me out and using me for a payday. Savage still feels guilty, but I wish he wouldn’t. If I had to do it again to save him, I would. That shit hurt, no doubt about that, I’d go through anything to keep him safe.
Not knowing if the memory was real, I ask, “Have you told me that before?” I could have sworn he did the night he found me, but I want to confirm.
Swallowing roughly, he nods. “When we were fleeing, I did. I didn’t know if you would come back to me and I didn’t want to lose you before you knew.”
“I think I knew even before then,” I tell him quietly.
“Good.” He kisses me deeply and lovingly, making me wrap my arms around his neck and pull my body closer to him.
Releasing my lips, Savage pulls back and rubs my bottom lip. “Canada, here we come.”
Noah- Two Years Later
Thelakelooksbeautifulat sunrise. I’ve taken to coming out with a book some mornings to enjoy the beginning of a new day. I’m not sure why, but sunrise in Canada looks different than in the States. Maybe it’s the crystal-clear water on the lake we live beside, or maybe it’s the company. Either way, sunrise is my favorite time of the day. For Pogo too, obviously. He’s running around, following behind Savyon while he jogs around the perimeter of the lake. For my man to be almost forty, he keeps in excellent shape. He has his shirt off, something he does often now that his scars are gone.
Once we were settled in Canada, we found a top-of-the-line plastic surgeon willing to do surgery on the scars that marred his body. I never minded them—in fact I thought they added to his overall appeal. But he made a good point that they were easily identifiable and if he ran into anyone from his past, they might recognize them. We’re in a remote-ish area, so it’s unlikely, but no need to take chances.
The surgeon did an amazing job, and Sav seems happier. Lighter. There are small traces on his face where the scars used to be, the area a bit lighter than the rest of the surrounding skin, but you would only notice if you stared at him for a while. I stare at him constantly, so I notice. But he doesn’t mind my staring anymore.
Our new passports and documents gave us new names, names that are easy to remember and tell other people. Hearing Savyon call me Noah in public always trips me out. I think about how my mother wanted to name me that and how funny it is that I use the names both my mom and my dad wanted.
Lucky for us, Quin’s contact found a name that would allow me to keep calling my man by his nickname. Savyon is a weird name, but we love it. We barely use it though.
With my head on my knee, book forgotten, I watch my man and dog run around the lake, getting in their early morning exercise. I smile, loving that he’s as attached to Pogo as I am.
It doesn’t take long for them to round the lake and run over to me. Sav sits down beside me, breathing heavily and pulls me close to him, rubbing his sweat all over me. “Eww, baby. You’re all wet and sticky!” I exclaim, mushing him off me.
“You didn’t mind my sweat last night,” he says, nipping at my neck.
That I did not. Sav and I made love until late in the night, something we do as often as possible. Since we both work from home, me doing freelance developing and Sav doing consultations for seminars on starting your own businesses, that can be at any time of the day. Pogo has his own room, so when we need some alone time, we put up his doggy gate and disappear for a while.
I’m sure we’d probably get up to it more if Michael and Quin weren’t over all the time. Or Evan and Malcolm, as their paperwork says. Even though they don’t need the money, they told us after a few months they got bored sitting at home or at our place, playing with Pogo. With their skills working with Savage and Quin’s military background, they went into business for themselves, opening a private security firm. Mostly, they outsource their services with a few other veterans that Quin knew from his old life that are discreet and don’t care if he’s run away from his old life. Hell, most of them have run away from their old lives and needed a fresh start with work that suited them.
When they’re not out of town, they’re at our house. The two of them live together, which is only about four houses down from us. So, yeah, they’re always around. I swear, it’s like we have to sneak around to fuck because they cockblock.
“No, I didn’t. But I was sweaty too. That doesn’t count.” I scooch over on my blanket and give him space to sit and watch the sunrise with me. Pogo comes over and lays his head on my leg. He’s usually exhausted after running with Sav. Sav usually runs around the lake twice, almost a two-mile run, and Pogo still insists on trying to keep up. It’s like he doesn’t remember what happened the last time he ran with him.
I rub behind his ear and he wiggles his head, trying to get close to my hand for better scratches. “Yeah, you like that, huh? Big baby,” I croon to my furbaby, patting his side, then picking up my book and leaning into Sav. “New book came in yesterday. I forgot to tell you.”
Our library isn’t on the same level as the one at the mansion, but Sav had a house built for us that has its own library with built-in bookshelves, and we’re trying our best to fill it. We’ve ordered books that we’ve read together and a few that I could remember that I wanted to read at the mansion. We’re slowly but surely getting back to where we want to be.
Thankfully, the mansion is in good hands. In his will, Savage left it to Janet and Adam, along with a few million dollars and the property taxes paid up for twenty years. She won’t have to worry about money for the rest of her life. And neither will Adam, as he has a trust that will release to him when he’s twenty-five. I really wish I could have said goodbye to those two since I grew to care so much about them, but I know it’s not safe. We’re content with getting reports from a PI every few months. So far, they’re doing well, and Janet is currently in school to be a pharmacist.
They’re not the only ones we keep tabs on. My best friend, Damon, is doing well in his career. He had an interview with Velli Corp a few months after graduation and get a job there as a software developer, getting paid well and working on a team that just finished a very popular computer game that’s getting amazing sales and reviews. I really hated knowing he grieved for me. More than a few times, I picked up my phone to call him, to put him at ease, but I know it’s better for me and Sav if he doesn’t know.
Sav looks at the title of the book and his eyes light up. “Oh yeah. I’ve been waiting for this one. Want to sit here and get started or head home? Pogo will need to be carried if we stay any longer.” On cue, my fat dog lets out a small yip and settles in like he’s getting comfortable.
“I’m not carrying him, so let’s go.” I ease Pogo from my leg and he stands, shaking himself halfheartedly, looking a little upset that he has to walk more. “I told you not to run with him today,” I scold him. Pogo looks up at me like he can’t believe I’m making him walk. “Don’t look at me like that,” I say softly. When he continues to look, I sigh. “Fine.” I scoop him up and he wiggles and licks my neck.
Beside me, Sav laughs. “You have him spoiled.”
“I know. It’s ‘cause I don’t have a kid to spoil,” I say jokingly.
“Want one?”