Page 15 of Trusting Quin
I opened my mouth a few times to tell him, but right before I could, I would feel the telltale signs of an anxiety attack. So I would stop and breathe through it. I was afraid after that and wanted to wait to build the courage to tell him. Since I didn’t have a nightmare last night, I think I’m ready. Hopefully, Quin will be able to do something to make it right. Call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or something.
Another reason I’ve sat on the information? I’m afraid. Afraid that they might find out I said something and harm the people inside the warehouse before they can be rescued. It’s a stupid fear, since they’re probably having untold things done to them already, but it’s how I feel.
Quin needs to know. He told me about his business and how he and his business partner have a contact in the RCMP they work with sometimes. If I tell Quin, he can possibly get his contact to do something and rescue anyone that may be inside.
Shortly after I have the toast buttered, Quin walks out of the room looking so fine, I almost want to jump him. He smiles slowly at me and walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. I turn my head and he kisses my lips, his breath minty fresh. I didn’t hear him get up and use the bathroom. I was also in my own little world, so that might have a lot to do with it.
“Good morning, Daddy,” I breath when he releases my lips from the earth shattering kiss he just laid on me. Everything about Quin is so intense. He half-asses nothing and I fucking love it. I can’t wait until we fuck again. I’m so ready for us to be together without a business transaction.
“Morning, sweet boy. Thanks for making breakfast. It looks great. You did a good job.” My cheeks heat under the praise and I lean into him, soaking up what he tells me. I love when Quin praises me. It’s only been a few days, but it makes me blush and my pulse quicken every time he does. I know he’s not saying it because he has to—he really means it.
After blushing furiously, I shoo him away so I can make him a plate. We don’t really have much here after what I’m cooking today, so we’ll have to go shopping soon. But right now, he’ll have some pancakes made from scratch, turkey bacon, eggs, and toast. Hopefully, he enjoys it.
I set Quin’s plate in front of him, then grab the jam and syrup so he can dig in. Before I grab my plate and sit beside him, I watch him take the first bite and a sense of pride fills me when he groans at the bite of the homemade pancakes.
Sitting beside him, I grab the syrup and almost drown my pancakes in it and put jam on my toast. “Where did you learn to cook?” Quin asks me around a mouthful of food.
Smiling sadly, I cut into my pancakes. “Family cook, Ms. Franklin. She was the best. Ms. Franklin started working for my family a few months after her husband passed away when I was twelve. She was the only person in my house that was nice to me. I would sit in the kitchen and talk to her often, and after a while, I started helping her.” I smile fondly at the memories. “She taught me subtly. First, she would ask for me to hand her things she forgot. Then she would ask me to flip a pancake or check a roast while she was tending to something else or went to the restroom. After a while I would help her with a lot of the dishes.”
Quin grins as I talk about my old life. “Where is she? Ms. Franklin.”
My face falls. “She passed a year after I went to university. She had a heart attack. My parents didn’t even wait until she was buried to hire another cook.” I stab at my pancakes, still pissed by their audacity. Not even twelve hours after they found out the cook they’d had for almost eight years was dead, they were starting the interview process for another one. They were fucking selfish. I was so torn up about it, having been so close to her, I had to take a week off classes so I could mourn. My brother, Gil, told me about them hiring someone right away on one of the few occasions we spoke. Though he wasn’t as close to Ms. Franklin as I was, he was just as disgusted. Neither of us were pleased with our parents at any point in our lives and that really compounded it for us.
“I’m sorry,” Quin says and I know he means it. “Are you close with your parents?”
I laugh sardonically and shake my head. “Definitely not. I’m sure my mother only had me and Gil as accessories. She never really loved us. And my father was always so busy with work and building his fortune. He never had time for us. My brother and I were pitted against each other all our lives, so we’re not close either.” I swallow roughly. “I wish we were. I think too much happened for us to mend our relationship, which sucks because I love my brother. I rarely see or talk to him now. Our parents fucked up our relationship with each other—and with them too.”
My brother is only two years older than me, but it felt like ten. My parents always pushed him to do more, study more, learn more. And I was always lagging behind, no matter how hard I tried to do what he did to make them happy. By the time I was fourteen, I said fuck it and started doing what I wanted. I’m a pretty smart guy, so I didn’t fail classes or anything like that, but I didn’t do advanced classes like they made my brother do, no sports, and no extracurricular activities. I was beyond sick of their snide comments. It was always,Gil never gives us this much trouble, orGil takes advanced classes so he can be a physician one day, orGil is a star tennis player and will go far. Imagine their shock when he decided to join the military. Best day of my life, seeing their shocked expressions.
Quin nods but doesn’t seem like he pities me. “Me and my brother were the same. We patched shit up later, but it was rough going for a few of those years. He’s older, bigger, and smarter than me, and my parents made sure I knew it. As we aged, we realized what they were doing and we got close despite what they wanted us to believe. Up until I faked my death, we spoke often.”
He looks sad and I think about what he had to give up because of his job. “You think about reaching out?”
“Nah. That would cause problems.”
“With your parents?”
Quin shakes his head, putting a piece of bacon in his mouth and groaning appreciatively, making me smile. “Parents are dead. It’ll cause issues for my brother. He has a family and it would be too much to ask him to keep that from them.” He looks at me with a pained expression. “It wasn’t a decision I made lightly. When we agreed to come here, I set things up for him and his family, so they would be taken care of. His kids have college funds set up for them and he has a hefty life insurance policy that will have him living comfortably for a long time.”
I nod in understanding and rub his arm in sympathy. “I’m sorry you had to leave your brother, but I’m glad you took care of him. My parents are dead too. Well, dead inside. They’re still breathing.”
Quin pauses with a fork to his mouth and looks at me seriously. “They disown you?”
Shaking my head, I push my plate away, no longer wanting to eat. “No. I left and decided to go no-contact. They were toxic. I moved to Ontario to be close to my grandfather and for school. They’re back in BC and I haven’t spoken to them in years. I like it that way.”
Looking pleased with my answer, Quin finishes his food and looks at my plate. “You need to eat.”
“Not hungry.”
“Boy, you need to eat your breakfast. You worked hard making it and I won’t have you starving yourself. Now pull your plate back like a good boy and eat.”
Hastily, I drag my plate back and eat more pancakes. Quin using his Daddy voice is sexy as fuck. He’s also right. I do need to eat. Over the last few days, I’ve been picking over my food since my stomach hasn’t been settled since the events of that night.
Instead of leaving the table since he’s finished eating, Quin stays where he is, watching me eat and talks to me about nothing. It’s sweet. It’s refreshing. And I’m hooked.
I clean the dishes and put them in the dishwasher before I go over to where my Daddy is laying on the couch. He holds his arms out to me and I sink into them, cuddling on his chest. “What do you want to do today, baby boy?”
“Can we talk some more? I really liked that.”