Page 24 of Trusting Quin

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Page 24 of Trusting Quin

“You can tell them, if you want. I just don’t want to be judged.”

“You won’t. And I won’t have to choose. That won’t happen because Abel and Savage will love you. Hell, Pogo will, too. But Pogo likes everybody if you give him belly rubs.”

Ah, so the dog’s name is Pogo. That’s weirdly adorable. “Okay, I believe you. I get in my head sometimes about not being good enough. It fucks with me.”

“You need to go see a therapist or get your meds again? I can get your prescription refilled if you need me to.”

Nodding, I lean towards him and he pulls me into his lap. God, I will never get over how free Quin is to touch and comfort me. “Yes, please. I should have asked you the day we got here, but it slipped my mind.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t remember. Give me a few days and I’ll have them.”

“You need my prescription?”

“No. I’ll take care of it.” I don’t ask how, I just trust him.

We sit there for a while, until there’s a beeping noise in the house. I stand from his lap and Quins walk over to the wall by the door. There’s a monitor mounted there that shows whatever camera footage trips the motion detector. The first time it happened, I looked and saw a herd of deer meandering through the woods. Only large movements set it off, so every rabbit that hops by won’t have the alarm going off.

Turning around and shaking his head, Quin mumbles, “Fucker forgot his remote.” He puts the code in and the beeping stops.

Seconds later, I hear tires across the gravel driveway. The nerves return and I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. Quin kisses my temple, then walks past me to open the door. I stayed rooted to the spot, wanting to go out there and introduce myself and not be this shy person. When did this even happen? I’ve never been like this.

I’ve also never met someone like Quin that I want to be with for as long as he’ll keep me. I don’t want to fuck it up with him. The same old argument of not being good enough plays in my head in my parents voice. They used to say it when they compared me to my brother and it’s always a running loop when I want something I probably shouldn’t have.

I hear talking and laughter drifting in, then clicking across the floor before I see a cute, chunky dog making his way over to me. On instinct, I drop to my haunches to pet him and he immediately rolls over to his back. Laughing softly, I rub his belly and talk to him, telling him how cute he is and how much I love the little scarf around his neck.

“You’re going to be his new best friend,” I hear and I look up to see a stunning man with a mess of dark brown curls, light brown skin, sparkling blue-green eyes and a wide grin on his face.

Swallowing roughly, I give the pup one more pat then stand up, extending my hand. “I’m Red. It’s nice to meet you.”

He takes my hand and shakes, still smiling. “Abel. Your name is Red?” I nod. “I love that. Nickname?” I nod again, pulling my sweaty hand back to rub on my pants. “I love nicknames. Right, Sav?”

A huge, sinfully handsome guy walks up behind him, wrapping an arm around his chest and pulling him back. “Yes, my beauty.” He kisses the top of his head and Abel looks up at him, a beautiful smile on his face. My heart fucking flips. They’re beautiful together. Their love for each other is so apparent, I’m almost choking on it. God, I want that. I want someone to look at me like that and not like I’m a fuck up. Quin doesn’t, but he doesn’t know me well enough yet.

I want to be loved like this.

Savage looks over at me and his smile dims. He reaches out a hand to me and I automatically take it. When he envelopes my hand with his, he pulls me in until I take a step forward. “Quin is my best friend in the world besides my beauty here. If you hurt him in any way, that will be the last decision you’ll ever make. You get me?” I swallow hard and nod. There’s something in his eyes that tells me he would hunt me down and chop me into little pieces if I fuck this up. No pressure, right?

“I won’t,” I whisper, hoping he believes me. “I wouldn’t … he … Quin takes care of me.” While he does so much more than that, that sums it up. In the few short weeks we’ve been together, he’s become everything to me. My Daddy, my friend, myboyfriend, my protector. I’m going to try with everything in me not to give that up. I want him to keep me.

Abel pushes against Savage’s chest, making him drop my hand and I take a step back. “Leave him alone, Sav. Damn. You’re such a fucking bully.” Savage bends down to whisper something in Abel’s ear that makes his cheeks turn pink and he turns his head to kiss his husband. I look away, trying to give them some privacy and to hide the jealousy I feel. Not because of the two of them, but because I feel like what they have is something I’ll never, not in a million years, get.

“Okay, you fucking love birds,” Quin murmurs when he walks past me to get to the kitchen. They pull away slowly, Abel looking a little dazed and Savage trying to adjust himself.

Shaking his head, Abel takes my hand. “Come on. We can take Pogo out and talk for a bit while these two catch up. They gossip like old women,” Abel says while we walk to the back of the house.

“I heard that,” Savage grumbles.

“You were meant to,” Abel says back in a light tone.

Pogo shoots out of the house when Abel opens the door, running around and rolling in the grass. Abel watches him with a tender expression, laughing when Pogo tries to climb a tree, but only ends up falling on his back. “He’s amazing,” he remarks, hands clasped together under his chin. “A gift from my Sav.” Abel turns and looks at me, a soft smile on his lips.

How I’m feeling must be written on my face, because Abel says, “You don’t have to be afraid or nervous. And don’t mind Sav. He doesn’t know how to talk to people, but he means well.” Abel smiles at me and I think my lips tip up.

“Were you nervous when you met Quin and Michael?” At least if he was, I know I’m not overreacting.

“Oh, I was scared shitless, but for different reasons. I’m sure Quin filled you in on that.” He chuckles but it fades when he sees the look of confusion on my face. He tilts his head to the side. “What did Quin tell you about why we moved here?”

“He said he worked for a mafia boss that wanted out, so you guys faked your deaths and fled.”

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