Page 26 of Trusting Quin
“Sorry, Daddy,” I reply, lifting my head to kiss his nose. “What happened here?” I ask, running a finger over where it has a slight curve.
“Broke it playing football with my friends in high school the first time. A quick pickup game in the park. Took an elbow to the face.” I wince in sympathy and Quin chuckles, pulling me closer. “The second time was while I was in the Marines. We were training in hand to hand combat and they were teaching effective strikes. I was paired with Judy.” I give another wince. That’s one tough woman. Not someone I’d want to be paired against. “She still feels bad about it.”
Shaking my head, I kiss his nose again. “I like it. It fits your face. Gives you that tough look. Like no one should fuck with you.”
“They shouldn’t, mouse. I carry a gun, remember?”
Groaning, I roll my eyes and feel a sharp slap to my ass. “I told you about rolling your eyes.”
“Yes, Daddy,” I grumble, rubbing my stinging ass cheek. It feels good, but still stings. “You had an eventful life before here, huh?”
Quin shrugs. “More eventful than most but not as eventful as others. I’m glad it’s behind me though. It was time for me to start slowing down. I’m glad I didn’t have to leave Savage and Michael behind. We’ve all been tight for over a decade. It’s fitting we all left together.
I nod, understanding what he’s saying but I can’t relate. My best friend from high school and I lost touch right after we graduated. We both tried to keep the friendship going, but we grew apart. I wish I had what Quin, Michael and Savage have, but maybe I can get there with them now. Have some people I’d rather not leave behind.
“What’s the matter?” Quin asks, reading me like a book.
“That’s creepy, you know that?”
He barks a laugh and rubs his hand up and down my spine, making me shiver. “Not creepy to know when you’re deep in thought about something, boy. What’s on your mind?”
“I was thinking how it’s nice the three of you have such a good friendship and how I want that someday.” Cara is my best friend, but I wouldn’t be super torn up if we didn’t live close by anymore. I’d miss her, but I would understand. That pales in comparison to their close relationship.
“I have no doubt you will. I can be that for you, Red. I was serious when I said you were mine. I don’t have any plans on letting you go. You’re stuck with me, boy.”
Yawning, I sidle up close to him and throw my leg around his waist. “What a great place to be stuck.”
Quin shakes his head and laughs, some of his locs falling over his shoulder and tickling my nose. “You’re sleepy. Get some rest and we’ll take more in the morning.”
“Okay, Daddy”
“Good night, boy.”
“Good night, Daddy.”
When I wake the next morning, Savage, Abel, and Pogo are on their way out the door. I hug Abel, pet Pogo and give Savage a small wave before they head out. After Quin shuts and locks the door, he walks over to me, wrapping me in his arms and giving me a long, deep kiss. “Good morning, sleepy boy.”
I steal another kiss. “Morning, Daddy. Hungry?”
“No, but I’ll eat if you’re cooking.”
I move into the kitchen taking out things to make a quick breakfast while Quin goes outside to do God knows what.
When he returns, he steps into the kitchen and pulls me away from the stove. I rush to turn the burner off, giving him a dry look. He snickers and says, “Sorry. I have something for you.”
Curious now, I follow him to the front door when I see a box. The same box he had the other day when we left his job. I wondered about it, but I didn’t want to be nosey. Quin lets my hand go and inclines his head. “Open it.”
Excitement races through me as I hurry over to the box. I control myself and don’t rip it apart like a five year old at Christmas, but it’s a near thing. I lay it down and pull the top off quickly, then sit back on my heels, tears brimming my eyes.
It’s a guitar. A beautiful mahogany Taylor acoustic guitar, much like the one I left at my parents’ house. Tentatively, I reach out, running my fingers over the strings, feeling how taut they are. I pluck one and the sound reverberating back to me has me choking back a sob.
I’m not sure why I’m so emotional about it. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap, but it’s a guitar like any other. Except it’s not. It’s from Quin and it’s because I told him about my hobby. My Daddy listened to me, hearing the strain in my voice when I told him about selling the last one and how my parents made me leave mine behind when I left BC. He did this for me, to make me happy. We haven’t known each other for long, but this gift shows me he cares.
Bursting to my feet, I jump into his arms, making him laugh, but he wraps his powerful arms around me, squeezing tight. “You like it?”
Trying and failing to keep the tears at bay, I say thickly, “I love it. Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, baby boy.”