Page 41 of Trusting Quin
Once I get the notification that the search has started for Thomas, I move on to fucking Andler Wolfe. Terrible. Fucking. Name. I know Red hated his old name and says his brother’s is also terrible, but they are miles better than fucking Andler. His picture is uploaded and I get notification that it’s searching as well. Now, all I have to do is wait.
When we head home, I feel antsy. Like I can’t stay in my skin because all I want to do is rush out the door, find the nearest weapon and demolish the two escaped traffickers. Find the nearest axe and hack off their limbs and bury the blade in their chests. Watch them bleed out, that glint in their eyes fading as they take their one way trip to hell. Put a bullet between their eyes, ensuring my boy is safe. But I can’t do any of that until I figure out where they are.
Instead of going back to my and Michael’s place again, we drive back to the house in the woods. Maybe when all this is over, I can take him to my house to see if he likes it there. I love being with my boy and having him all to myself, but I would be lying if I said I don’t feel a little lost without my roommate of the past ten plus years. Maybe Red won’t mind us all living together. If he does, I’ll just build a house on the lot a few doors down so I’m still be close to my family.
That’s not something we have to think about right now.
When we get home, Red drags me inside and sits me on the couch. “Wanna get changed?” he asks, bending down to unlace my shoes so I can slip them off.
“No, I wanna sit here and let you kiss me until I feel better.”
Smirking at me, Red stands to his full height and walks to the back of the house. When he comes back, he has his guitar with him, a grin on his face. “I can do better than that. When I’m having a bad day, I like to play or listen to videos on, like, YouTube and shit.” He sits on the floor across from me. “Want to hear the song I wrote? It’s calledSweet Daddy.” Red winks at me, smiling widely.
Laughing, I slide back and get comfortable. “Yes,sweet boy,” I reply cheekily.
Giving me a playful smirk, Red starts strumming, making me feel mellow and at peace quicker than I thought it would. He plays really well, the melody pleasant and sweet, lulling me and making me feel relaxed.
Yeah, my boy always knows what I need.
When he’s finished playing his song, I sit on the floor with him and pull him into my arms. “That was beautiful, Red.”
“Thank you, Daddy. I needed music today.”
“Me too.” I sigh and release him, watching him tune his guitar. “I’ll protect you, baby. You know that, right?”
Red smiles at me, soft and sweet, and nods. “I know, Daddy.”
Good. My boy has faith in me. I’ll make sure it’s not misplaced.
Chapter Fifteen
Ireallyhatetobreak the peace Red has had over the past few days, but it’s necessary. My phone beeped this morning with the notification that Thomas Furman has been located in Vancouver. He took a flight, then hopped on a bus, found a rundown hotel and has been holed up there ever since. Luckily for me, I know some people that aren’t on the legal side of life and have a few places nearby that they use for interrogation and disposal. After I tell Red, I plan to make a call to them so they can arrange what I need.
When I memorize the information, I delete the message, pocket my phone and head out to the living room. I find Red on the couch, cross legged with his guitar, crossing something out in a notebook. Ever since he played for me, his guitar isn’t far behind and he’s always writing in his book.
Upon seeing me walk into the room, he grins and sets the guitar aside. “Hey, Daddy. You okay?” His eyebrows dip and I figure I wasn’t as good at hiding my anger and eagerness as I thought.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna be gone for a few days, baby. You can either hang here or I can see if you can stay with Abel and Savage. Despite him not being about that life anymore, Savage is good with a gun and would never let anything happen to you. Or you can sleep in my room at me and Michael’s house. He wouldn’t mind and he’d watch over you.”
“Oh?” Red wrings his hands, swallows roughly, but nods. “Yeah. Okay. Out of town job?”
I don’t want to tell him where I’m going, but I don’t lie to Red. “Not a job. It’s personal. I found the man that you said tried to drug you. Tom.” Red shoots to his feet and starts pacing in front of me. “I started a trace on him a few days ago and I got the information on where he is.”
“And you weren’t going to tell me, huh? If I hadn’t asked just then?” His expression is equally hurt and mad.
“I’m telling you now, Red,” I answer.
“Yeah, well, thanks for that fucking breadcrumb.”
“Watch it, boy,” I growl. While I understand his anger, he needs to cool his temper and we can talk like adults.
He looks contrite, but continues pacing after a quick apology for cursing at me. “It doesn’t matter. I’m coming with you.”
Shaking my head, I tell him in a firm voice, “No, you’re not.”
“Daddy! You can’t leave me here when they tried to takeme! I get to see what happens for the survivors who can’t and for the ones that won’t get to see that justice! I’m coming!” He stomps his foot for emphasis.