Page 18 of Forbidden Lies
Watch, he’s just sitting in his car, stalking her house. Or hell, he could even be hiding in her closet. I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s always had a crazy obsession with Gracie Nicole Rose. I mean, I can’t blame him; she's hot as hell and sweet.
“Chill, I’m coming,” I groan as I feel a twinge in my ribs. I took a particularly hard tackle today, and they are sore as shit. Grabbing my bag, I slam my locker closed and meet Dom at the bottom of the stairs.
“Can we grab a burger after this? I have band practice later, and I won’t have time to run home and eat,” I ask Dom as he basically skips three steps at a time in his haste.
“Yeah, I could eat too. Do you have a show this weekend?” I nod and try not to pant as I keep his pace.
“Saturday night at the Marshall’s. They booked us for a few songs. There was a rumor about some scouts coming, but I’m not getting my hopes up,” I say when we reach the top and head toward the doors that lead to the parking lot.
King is there, leaning on Dom’s car, waiting as he scrolls on his phone. He looks wiped. I wonder what’s been going on at home. I know his dad is a fucking prick. He usually stays at my house since my mom doesn’t care, but he hasn’t been by in a few nights.
“Sup,” I say, giving him a fist bump. He pushes back his wavy brown hair and gives me a chin nod. His green eyes look like they are barely open. “You look like crap, man. Stay at my house tonight, yeah?” I tell him, and he nods with a yawn.
We climb into Dom’s Escalade, and I take the passenger seat so King can stretch out. Maybe take a nap while we go looking for Ash’s ass. Dom flips on some music, and I pull out my phone. Tinsley has been texting me all day, but I think I need a break from her. She’s fun, but only for a little while before she gets clingy.
“Where did you want to stop and eat?” Dom asks me, and I glance back at King, but he’s asleep and lightly snoring. “I’d say takeout so we don’t have to wake him up. I don’t think he’s had a good week,” I mumble, and Dom huffs.
“Yeah, he decided to take a nap in Chem today. That’s not like him,” Dom grumbles before flicking his blinker on and switching lanes. Ash’s house is up here on the corner behind the gate. The guard doesn’t even check our IDs anymore and waves us through.
When we pull up to the house, it’s pitch black, and there are no cars. It looks deserted, but Dom parks and leaves the vehicle. I groan and follow. We all have keys, so I don’t even bat an eye when he lets himself in and disarms the alarm.
I haven't been here in a while, and it still freaks me out. His parents were never one for comfort, and the decor is like a museum. Cold, lifeless, and since Mia died, it has no noise. She was always blasting music or laughing with Gracie in her room.
Dom stomps up the steps to check Ash’s room, and I check the large basement game room where we always hang out. Some blankets and pillows are on the sectional down here, but otherwise, it looks deserted.
“He’s not here. I don’t know where the fuck he is, but I’m worried, Carter,” Dom groans from the top of the stairs.
“I don’t think we should bother with his parents, but maybe Monica? See if she’s been by to leave him meals?” Dom nods and pulls out his phone. I leave the hall and walk into the kitchen, checking the fridge. It’s full of shit with dates on them that haven’t been touched.
“Yeah, Dom, I think Ash has been gone a few days. If I had to guess, he took off the morning after we rescued him at school,” I mumble, thinking about where he would have gone. There aren’t many places around Willows Creek.
“That’s what I’m worried about. Let’s lock up and grab some food. I’ll drop you back at the school for your car, and then I think I’m going to make a stop to see Bianca. She may have some insight into whatever the fuck is going on here.”
Ipull up at Bianca’s house and wait for her to flip her bedroom light on and off three times. It’s the signal that I can sneak in through the side door. I’ve been here many times. Usually, to get her on her knees for me, but not tonight. I should just ring her bell, but even though I’m not here for sex, she doesn't want her parents to know that I was stopping by.
Knowing her psycho ass, she probably thinks I’ll change my mind, but lately, there has only been one girl on my mind, and it sure as hell isn’t Bianca. I take a deep breath and fix a fake ass smirk onto my lips before I exit my vehicle and shuffle over to the door. Bianca is there waiting for me in a skimpy pair of pajamas and a smile on her face.
She holds the door open for me to enter, and I follow her up the stairs and into her room. I try not to wince at all the fucking pink. I swear my eyes burn. She closes her door and flicks the lock. I take a seat on her desk chair and toss the fluffy pillow that was on it onto her bed.
Bianca sits on her knees in front of me and runs her hands up my thighs. I grip her wrists, and she gasps, her dark-blue eyes blazing with heat. Her nipples are hard, begging for attention, but I told her I wasn’t here for that tonight, and I’m starting to get pissed.
I add more pressure to her wrists, and she furrows her eyebrows.
“Stand up, B. I told you I was here to talk,” I growl, and she gulps. I release her, and she climbs to her feet and takes a seat on her bed. Her legs are spread, showing me she’s not wearing underwear, but I don’t care. My dick doesn’t even twitch.
“Ugh, fine, Dom. Why are you here?” she snaps, annoyed, and I want to laugh. She calls Gracie a whore, but she would let me do anything to her just for a moment of attention.
“Have you heard from Ash? He took off, and the guys and I need to talk to him,” I cut right to the chase. The sooner we get this shit done, the sooner I can go home. She looks at her perfectly manicured hand and acts non-phased.
“I might have. I honestly can’t remember,” she says with a sigh, spreading her thighs wider. Is this bitch seriously trying to blackmail me into fucking her for information right now? I laugh and shake my head. Standing from the chair, I move over to her door.
“Wait, are you fucking serious, Dom?” she barks, and I roll my eyes.
“I told you, B. I am here to fucking talk, not fuck!” I roar, and she whimpers.
“Fine, yes, he’s been texting me. He said he had a family emergency or some shit.” I turn to face her and see she’s wrapping a robe around her. She won’t meet my eyes and actually looks embarrassed. I guess there’s a first time for everything.