Page 21 of Forbidden Lies
“Did you want to watch a movie while we eat?” my mom asks, and I nod with a yawn. I have finally managed to stop calling her ‘lady’. I guess everyone was right. I just needed time.
“Yeah, just let me shower and change into some pjs really quick,” I say as I head toward the stairs.
“Okay, sweetie. I’ll place your pasta under the warmer,” she shouts back. My phone pings with a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Can we talk?
I wait for them to tell me who they are, but another message never comes. I leave my phone on my bed and quickly strip off my clothes from today. Lately, I’ve been living in sweatpants and hoodies.
Who do I have to impress?
I quickly rinse off, wrap a towel around me, and then grab my phone.
Gracie: Who is this?
I drop it back onto my bed and shuffle over to my closet to change. A ping sounds, and I sigh. I really hope this isn’t another bullshit prank. I just want to eat my food, watch a movie, then go to bed. Preferably without a nightmare.
I pull on fuzzy socks, then plop onto my bed and grab my phone again.
Unknown: Dom. I know you have no reason to talk to me, but I think I need your help.
I add his number to my contacts and debate how to respond.
I don’t know how long I sit here, thinking, but my mom knocks, pulling my attention to her standing in the doorway. She’s in a fluffy purple robe, and her face is washed. She seems worried.
“Sorry, I spaced out. Let’s eat,” I say and climb off my bed. I leave my phone. Dom can wait a little bit longer.
“She’s blocked me. I’m such a fucking idiot,” I groan to King, who snorts, not looking at me as he and Carter battle on Donkey Kong.
“I told you not to bother, man. I’m shocked she didn’t tell you to fuck off. She seems more vocal lately,” Carter mumbles as he drives over a banana peel and wipes out. King cheers at his win, and I roll my eyes.
“We could be partying right now, but instead, we’re sitting in this smelly room…”
“Hey,” I bark, and he shrugs.
“It does smell, Dom. You need to crack a window or some shit,” King says, then stands and does it himself.
“And a shower wouldn’t kill ya,” Carter chimes in, and I sniff my armpits, then cringe. I have been a mess this week, watching the girls try to break Gracie. Standing beside them when all I wanted to do was wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe, fucked with my head.
“If she texts back, come get me,” I grumble, then climb off my bed and head toward the bathroom. I avoid looking in the mirror. I can’t even face myself. I feel like complete shit. Ash has officially lost his damn mind, and I’m done following his lead.
Deep down in my gut, I know Gracie does not deserve all this. There has to be more to the story, and I’m going to find out what happened.
Dom’s phone buzzes, and I pause the game, ignoring King’s grumbles. It’s not like we haven’t played this a million damn times. He’s just pissed because he was in the lead this round. I stand and quickly stretch, then move over to the bed where Dom left his cell.
The shower is still running, and I have no desire to barge in on him naked just because Gracie finally texted him back.
Gracie: I'm not sure how I could help or if I even want to. You're kinda an ass.
I snort at how different she's becoming. Before the accident, she would have dropped everything to help a friend. King stands and moves over to see what I'm laughing at.
“Wow, seems little miss sweetheart has some teeth after all.” I nod and look at him.
“What should I reply?” I don't want to piss her or Dom off. Maybe I should go tell him that she's written back.