Page 34 of Forbidden Lies
“Thanks,” she whispers, glancing up at me. Our faces are so close all it would take is for her to lean in for me to kiss her. But I won’t unless she wants me to. She smiles and laughs.
“You can put me down now.” I laugh too, but mine's nervous as I place her on her feet and follow her to the kitchen. Dinner is still on the table, and Gracie sighs, moving over to clean up.
“Mind if I make a plate?” I ask because it smells amazing. She nods, stopping and placing the potatoes back down. I scoop a few portions of the meat, veggies, and potatoes onto someone’s plate, then move to the microwave.
She starts to clean again, but I rush over to help her. “Oh, I’ve got it. I’m used to cleaning up messes,” she mumbles, and I move closer to her.
“Okay, but I’m here, and I’ll help,” I say, and she sighs but nods. I grab the rest of the dishes and bring them to the sink as Gracie places leftovers in containers.
It doesn’t take long until the kitchen looks good as new again, and I’m digging into some spicy pot roast.
“This is amazing,” I grumble with my mouth full, and Gracie laughs, handing me a paper towel.
“I’ll be sure to let the chef know. I think she’s gone to bed. She had a bit too much to drink,” she whispers, and I stop eating.
“Is that normal now? I don’t think I have ever seen your mom drink,” I mumble, and Gracie shrugs.
“I wouldn't know, but I try to avoid her when she does.”
I finish eating, surprised the guys haven’t barged in here to investigate what’s taking so long. Taking care of my plate, Gracie follows me and tries to wash it. I drop it into the soapy water and spin around to pull her into my arms.
“Thanks for inviting me over. I’ve missed us all hanging out,” I say, and she gives me a big smile.
“You guys are welcome any time; seriously, it’s been so nice having company,” she mumbles, then looks at my mouth, and I find myself unconsciously licking my lips. “I do feel guilty, though. That’s crazy right?” she asks, and I gaze into her gray eyes.
“About what?” I grunt, and she sighs, leaning back against my arms and running her hands through her messy blonde hair.
“That I didn't invite Ash over too. Guy’s an asshole, but I don’t know, I have a nagging feeling that he’s missing,” she grumbles, and I can tell this is really frustrating her.
“Do you want us to invite him? I mean, it’s late, but I’m sure he’s still up.” I don’t want to call him, but I also don’t want her to feel as if spending time with me is wrong.
“But if I can be honest, Gracie, Ash has had his shot. You don’t remember it, and I get it, but it’s our time now. King, Dom, and I all like you… a lot.”
I lean down and kiss her cheek, waiting to see what she does.
She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck, moving closer. I gulp, and she smiles. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she whispers against my mouth, and I groan, gently placing a soft kiss on her lips. She smiles and pulls back, touching her mouth with her fingertips.
“That was my first kiss,” she says, and I laugh. No, it wasn’t, but I’m not going to ruin this moment for her.
“Well, in that case, I better make your second one better,” I grumble before gripping the back of her neck and pulling her into me. She sighs when our lips touch again and opens for my tongue.
My dick hardens, and I groan as I get my first taste of Gracelyn Rose. She’s sweet, and I don’t think I ever want to let her go. Ash needs to figure his shit out, and he better be open to some brother boyfriends because I’m not leaving this girl, ever.
Practice was canceled, so I decided to visit my sister’s grave before the weather got too bad. I haven’t been by in a while, and I expected to have to do some maintenance, but the fresh flowers lying on her grave make me pause.
I know who they are from without even having to guess. Only Gracie would bring Mia’s favorites. I don’t even think my parents knew she loved daisies. They had these god-awful white roses at her funeral. Mia would have hated it.
The whole day was a production. Fake tears and sympathy as my mother wore a dress of Mia’s that was two sizes too small just to show off her new plastic surgeries. I know I shouldn’t talk bad about the woman who birthed me, but she’s never been a mother to me.
Even now, when her only child needs her, she’s nowhere to be found. At least my father has a reason. He was always missing in action.
I take a seat on the ground beside the gravestone and stare at the hovering gray clouds. The weatherman said one of the nastiest storms in years is rolling in, and we should be careful of flooding.
Maybe I should call the guys and see if they want to hang out. I know we fought the other night, and they seemed colder toward me at school, but I refuse to let that bitch take my friends from me.
Can’t they see how toxic she is? They were there to witness everything she put me through. That should be enough for them to pull their heads out of her pussy and into reality. She’s only going to shred their hearts too.