Page 43 of Forbidden Lies
We’requiet for the rest of the drive, and I flip on some music, not paying attention to what’s playing. I’m struggling to focus on driving. Gracie’s scent is drowning me, and my dick won’t go down.
I have way too many memories of fucking Gracie in this truck, and my dick doesn’t care that I hate her now.
When we pull into the parking lot for the park, Gracie speaks up. “Why are we going here?” She looks at me seriously, and I can tell that she remembers this place. Maybe this is a good sign.
“I was just here last weekend. Why are we here?” She looks out the front window at the trees and lake in front of us. This place used to be a favorite hangout, but now it’s a hellhole.
“Wait? Who brought you here?”
“Uh, Dom, King, and Carter. They picked me up, and we went on a hike,” she mumbles as I pull up to the bottom of the cliff, where they found her barely breathing and Mia dead. I don’t get out, and she doesn’t make a move either.
My eyes fill with tears, and I can tell she notices. “This is where it happened. Isn't it?” she asks, and I nod. Looking over at me but not turning her body, she groans. “Please tell me you didn’t bring me here to tease me? I just want someone to tell me what the fuck happened that night,” she shouts, and I laugh.
“You and me both, Dollface,” I grumble, then unbuckle and open my door. “Get out, Gracie. Let’s walk,” I say and then slam my door shut. Her mouth is pursed, and she’s frantically messaging someone. I know it’s only a matter of time before the guys show up here to kick my ass.
I wait for her to join me and ignore how my dick has been rock hard since the moment she got into my truck. Her peaches and vanilla scent was suffocating me, and I take a deep breath of the fresh air.
“So, are you finally going to tell me what you wanted to talk about? I’m going to be late for class,” she says as she rounds the truck and stares out over the lake. I notice she avoids the spot where her body laid unconscious. She keeps to the edge of the rock path.
I glance her way and sigh. I want to rip her open right here and now, but I know that won’t work. Gracie is different now. More guarded and outspoken.
“Can we have a truce? Just for right now. Can we try and have a civilized conversation?” She turns to look at me, and her brows are furrowed. I get lost in her gray eyes, missing what she said.
“I have never had a problem with you, Ash. I didn’t show up and try to have half the student body hurt me or make me cry. But whatever,” she grumbles, and I stare at the girl beside me.
I shake my head and laugh. “I’ve missed you. Yeah, I know I’m a fuck-up. I’ve been told that all my life, but you never treated me that way. There are things you obviously don’t know, Gracie. Fuck, I wish I could just tell you, but even though I hate you, I would never risk hurting you more,” I mumble, then groan.
“I miss the way we used to be able to chat about anything and everything. For hours. It was never stilted or awkward, like right now.”
She nods and waves her hand for me to keep going. “Promise not to lock me in a shed again? I don’t think I could handle another night like that. I barely sleep as it is. Not to mention my family freaked out on me. I’m still grounded.”
I blink at her, then rub my eyes. Yeah, I get the no sleep thing. “Wait, why did you never tell them? I was surprised I never got a call from the police or your dad. That’s one of the reasons I skipped town,” I say, then turn away from her and stare at the spot on the gravel where everything changed.
“You left town? I thought you were sick,” she says, turning to face me, and her gray eyes actually look worried. But I know it’s all a trick. She wants me to fall for her again.
“No, I left town. Went up to the Catskills for a few weeks.”
I wait for her to comment since we have been there many times together, but she just nods again and looks back to the water.
“That sounds nice. I’d love to get away from here someday. My therapist thinks it would be good for me to take a trip. Just for a week or so. Leave this town; maybe it would even help me remember,” she mumbles.
“So why don’t you? There’s nothing here for you anymore in Willows Creek,” I sneer, then take a deep breath and try to calm myself.
She sighs, then shakes her head with a small giggle, but it’s sad.
“I don’t think I will ever leave Willows Creek. Not if my family has anything to say about it. I’m only allowed to go to school. Occasionally I can stop by the Children’s Home and bring them cookies. And then, of course, I have therapy. It was a miracle I was even able to come here last weekend…” she trails off, and I notice she’s wiping a tear from her cheek.
“I don’t know what I did to make you hate me, Ash, but I'm trapped here. My only escape is school, and even that's been a challenge. I don't remember a lot of the lessons, I get these awful headaches, and the kids are just so cruel.” Her phone buzzes, and she checks it with a small smile.
“I think last night was the first time I actually laughed and got to act my own age. It was freeing, but do you want to know the funny part?” She spins to face me, and I nod.
“I felt guilty that you weren't there, and you can ask your friends if you don't believe me, but it's true. I mentioned it a few times. I don't know why I can remember Mia and not you, but I think deep down, even though you've been a total asshole, I miss you,” she says, and my feet decide to move closer to her.
My phone rings, snapping me out of it, and I laugh, clearing my throat. I glance at Gracie.
“You almost had me there, Dollface,” I say, then answer my phone. I don’t give Dom a chance to speak.
“We’re at the cliffs. You can come get her.” I hang up, then give Gracie my full attention. My heart is racing, and my palms are sweating.