Page 70 of Forbidden Lies
I shake my head. “No, you’re wrong. Ash asked me for a truce. King told me he loved me,” I yell, and she gets closer to my face. Her strawberries and flowers perfume makes me sneeze.
“You listen here, you little bitch. Ash is mine. He hates you. He wishes you were dead. He’s told me over and over after fucking me so good I passed out. He will never love you. No one will. You’re just some fucked in the head mental case who needs to finish the job she failed.”
I go to reply when a guy I’ve never seen before stomps over, lifts me in the air, tossing me over his shoulder.
“Who the hell are you?! Put me down,” I scream, and Bianca cackles as she follows after us.
I punch the back of his knee, and he slips in the mud, causing him to drop me and land on his butt.
“Fuck, you’re going to pay for that,” he sneers, licking his lips at me so exposed. I shiver and try to move away on my hands and knees.
“Not so fast.” He grabs me by my hair, and I’m once again thrown over his shoulder as he continues on. My scalp burns, and I scream bloody murder from where he pulled. When he stops, he throws me over a fence into the field beyond, and I land in the nastiest, foulest-smelling mud ever. The fall knocks the wind out of me, and my body freezes from the cold of the sludge.
“You owe me,” he grunts to Bianca as she pulls out her phone. “Stupid bitch got me covered in mud. I hope the pigs eat her.”
Oh my god, can that happen? My teeth are chattering, and I’m filthy. Who the hell is that guy?
“Oh, this is too good. Smile for the camera, little whore,” she says, with a smirk as she records me covered in pig shit with tears and snot running down my face. “Just wait until Ash sees you now. He’ll never want some pig slut.” She turns her phone off, and Tinsley comes up beside her, both of them grunting like pigs at me.
You’d think they would be more original.
I glance around, trying to find a way out of this. “You can have Ash, Bianca. Take him. He was never mine to begin with,” I pant, trying to reason with her. “Just please, take me home.”
She snorts and gives me a sneer. “I don’t need your permission, bitch. Good luck getting home.” She turns, and they all walk away, even the man.
“Please, stop. Don’t do this,” I yell, but it’s not loud. I’m still trying to breathe.
There are a bunch of piglets in the corner and a mean-looking mama staring me down. I can't move. Trying to get my breath back, I slowly sit up, causing the mama pig to charge at me.
I don't know who's squealing louder, me or the pig.
I pull myself up and rush to the side to climb out of the pen. Bianca’s walking back to her car as Tinsley cackles. They get inside, then pull out onto the road with the smell of burnt rubber and dust in their wake. Bianca doesn’t seem to care that she left me alone with the strange man who threw me in here.
“Wait! Stop! Please! I don't know where I am! Bianca!” I scream, then pull myself over the fence and try to run after them. I’m too slow; they are gone. She left me no phone, no money, no clothes; she didn't even leave my shoes. I’m so screwed.
Standing here covered in filth, freezing, I don't know what to do. I guess I should start walking. Hopefully, someone will drive by and take pity on me.
“You can come inside and use the shower if you like… For a price.” the man who threw me in with the pigs says, his eyes running up and down my half-naked body, and I shudder.
“Who are you?” I ask, stuttering. He rolls his shit-brown eyes.
“Daniel, my grandparents own this farm. Do you want to come in or not?” He licks his teeth,and I cringe.
“No, no thank you,” I mumble, praying he won’t touch me. Shrugging his shoulders, he turns and starts to walk toward a white plantation style home.
“Whatever, suit yourself.”
* * *
Following Bianca’s tire tracks,I start the long walk back to town. I hope I'm going the right way. I just need someone to drive by or to see a house or building so I can get help. Why would Ash do something this evil? I need to confront him. I need to just march up to him and give him a piece of my mind.
This behavior is not necessary. I'm no threat to him. I just want him to leave me be. I have Dom, Carter, and King now. I wish they were here. They swore to protect me. Do they know I’m missing? God, I hope they’re not helping Ash.
“I can’t find her anywhere, and Ash isn’t answering his phone,” I tell the guys as we meet back at the parking lot. Gracie sent us a really weird message and then went radio silent.
We have been trying to find her since. I tracked down Hope, and she told us the same thing she told Gracie. That the girls were planning something, but she didn’t know what.