Page 9 of Forbidden Lies
She pushes me straight into Bianca’s arms, and I gasp as she pushes me onto my knees.
“This is where you should stay,” Miss Queen Bitch sneers. “One day, you’ll learn your place.”
Finally, having had enough of the snide remarks and not-so-subtle glances, I stand and head back to the locker room.
“Dollface, where the fuck do you think you're going? Did I say you had permission to leave?” someone shouts at me from behind, but I know exactly who it is, so I just keep walking.Bad move, Gracie.
“Gracelyn Nicole Rose, do not walk away from me! Come take your punishment, then you can be a good little dolly and head home to Mommy and Daddy.” Startled by how he says that in such a condescending tone, I stumble, making the group behind me snicker.
I can hear footsteps moving toward me, but I stand still. His breath hits the back of my neck, and I gasp. My knees feel weak, and I have the urge to turn around and jump into his arms. He mumbles something, but I can't make it out.
It sounded like, “Always cupcakes. Why do you have to smell like cupcakes?” But I’m not sure. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I try to step forward, to put some space between us, but he grabs the back of my cheer top and spins me to face him. The motion makes me lightheaded, and I stumble a little. I press my palms to his sweaty chest and gaze up into his hazel eyes.
Oh my God, finally seeing him up close and personal, I think my brain has stopped working. He is gorgeous, like male-model, have-my-babies, gorgeous. He’s at least six-foot-three with messy dirty-blond hair that I want to mess up even more and the most expressive hazel eyes I’ve ever seen.
They have more blue than green, but that's not what has me in a trance. It’s the amount of lust shining back at me with a mixture of sadness.I just want to hug this boy and never let him go.Whoa, where did that thought come from?
Sick of me staring at him like a lovesick schoolgirl, he snaps, “If you’re done eye-fucking me, I’d like to get on with this. I have plans later.” Yeah, he’s still an asshole, but I'd like to get on with something involving his body.
My eyes trail down his chest to the bulge he’s not trying to hide in his football uniform. My eyes widen, and he laughs, but it’s not friendly. I give him a tiny smirk, then shake my head.
This boy is beyond rude and cruel. He tried to hit you with his car just this morning, Gracie. Get your head out of the gutter and off his dick.
That's it. I need to go home. It’s only day one, and it has been horrible. I don't know if I can continue like this until graduation. I look up into his eyes and cringe.
“Who are you? Why do I have the urge to climb you? I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, but please, can you or someone here just tell me what the fuck is going on? I don't understand, and racking my brain is only giving me a massive headache! Maybe I shouldn’t have come today.”
Everyone goes silent and stares at me like I’m from another world. I shake out of his hold and wait a heartbeat for someone to say something before turning to leave.
“There is nothing you can ever do to fix what you have done, Dollface. What you broke is not repairable. So you have two options. One, you can finish what you obviously fucked up since you wanted to die so badly you felt the need to take care of things without anyone else's input. Hell, I’ll even drive you back to the cliff…” I gasp at how heartless his words are.
“Or your second option is to become my slave and, Dollface, I suggest you take option one because until you do, my crew and I are going to make your life a living hell.” I laugh and shake my head.
“I’m already in hell, Ash,” I say quietly with a sad smile. It might make me weak, but it’s the truth.
Iwatch as Ash tries to rip Gracie apart, and I can’t hide my cringe. I’m starting to have second thoughts about this plan. I know Ash went over the plan repeatedly during lunch, and the girls—even some of the guys—ate it up.
They are dying to get their payback for what happened to Mia. She was their friend and the Queen Bee until Bianca decided to take over. But just watching as Gracie struggles to stay on her feet makes me want to swoop her up into my arms and run away.
She looks exhausted, and she keeps rubbing her temples. Is she okay? I step closer to check on her, but King holds me back, shaking his head. He’s watching the showdown with hawk eyes, and I’m thankful because I have missed half of what’s been said.
Tears fill Gracie’s gray eyes, and a part of my heart breaks. She looks beautiful even as she’s being ripped apart. I can tell she’s trying to hold it together, but she’s going to break soon, and by how Ash keeps looking off toward the school, I can see this is also taking a toll on him.
I just hope he doesn’t go too far.
She’s in Hell? What the fuck kind of game is she playing? If she thinks her docile, ‘I'm innocent’ act and expressions will stop me, she's lost more than her supposed memories; she's lost her motherfucking mind.
Bianca starts to laugh, which sets off her group of followers and a few of my teammates. I give Gracie a smirk and run my hand through my sweaty hair. Damn, she almost fooled me.
“You aren’t even close to hell, Dollface, but you will be,” I mutter, and she blinks a few times before coming back to what I said.
“I'm sorry. Can you please repeat that? I thought you just said I could either kill myself, which I don't understand why you think I would have ever done that in the first place, or I could become your slave. A person I don't even know, for one, wants me to, what, cook for him? Do your chores? Do other things?”
Her last statement comes out as a whisper, and her cheeks turn bright red, which makes my cock throb. Ahh, she's embarrassed. How cute. I know for a fact this is all an act. That girl is as innocent as a priest in a strip club. Considering we'd been sleeping together since tenth grade.