Page 26 of Crimson Hunter
Hunger stabbed low and painfully. I needed to feed again before I saw her. Maybe that would shut my instincts up. Hungry vampires were dangerous vampires.
“You look…” She studied me. “Off. Bad day collecting souls, Grim?”
A tiny smile quirked my mouth. “You could say that.”
She sat up and patted the cushion next to her. “Sit.”
God help me, I did.
“It’s been a couple days,” she said, but it wasn’t a lecture.
“I’m realizing that it’s not entirely safe for you to be around me.” I braced my elbows on my knees. “And it’s…troubling.”
“I don’t understand.” She closed her paperback and set it next to her. “I’m the one who keeps dragging you on roller coasters and bungee jumps. Seems to me like it’s not entirely safe foryouto be aroundme.”
I cracked a smile. “You couldn’t kill me if you tried, Grace.”
But Samuel would have no problem slaying her.
I blinked.It’s been a couple of days.If Samuel knew about her, she’d be dead by now. If the Sons had seen us, she would have been their target today. If a vampire’s auto-parts dealer was enough to stir them to violence, then surely a vampire’s female—
She’s not your female.
And yet, here I was.
Dagon and Saint would never let me hear the end of it if they saw me like this.
“What are you thinking?” Grace asked, pulling her long hair over one shoulder and exposing her neck. Her pulse beat steadily while mine lurched to a gallop.
“Nothing I should tell you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Tell me something else.”
“What do you want to know?” I smoothed her hair back from her beautiful face.
“Why did you go into…reaping? Bounty hunting. Whatever it is you do?” She leaned into my touch.
“Ah, the psychologist makes her appearance.” She’d have a field day with me if I ever let her inside.
“Not at all, I promise. I’m just curious.”
“I serve my…society.” My hand slid to the side of her neck. “It’s my honor to make the world safer.”
“So loyalty and honor are big to you.”
“The biggest.” Which was why I was going to have to get away from Grace and stay there.
“And what were you thinking just now?” She touched the ridges between my brows. “What made you crinkle?”
“I was thinking you should be safe as long as I stay away from you,” I confessed in a low voice. “I should walk off this porch and disappear out of your life. That’s the safest bet for you.”
She lifted her brows. “And who said I want to be safe?”
“You only have a few months, Grace. The last thing I’m going to do is put you in any danger that could shorten that time, and there are people who would use you to hurt me.” It was the most honest I could be without flat-out saying it.
“Other reapers?” She shifted to face me. “Arethere more reapers? I’m curious about how this hallucination works.”
“Hallucination?” I shook my head at her. “You’re still stuck on that?”