Page 36 of Crimson Hunter
“It’s a little more complicated than that, but basically, yes.” If she knew how she smelled, how that steady, thrumming pulse at her neck called to me, she would have shoved me out the door and thrown the deadbolt.
At least, I hoped she would have.
“Well, I’m getting ready to feed you, so that should solve that problem.” She stirred the pasta one last time, then donned hot pot holders and drained the silver pot into a strainer in the sink. Steam caressed the lines of her cheeks. “And then we’re going to have sex.”
I blinked. There was no way I just heard her say that…was there? My body was pretty fucking certain, though, and it was fully on board with the suggestion. Heat and lust raced through my veins, triggering the very instincts I’d tried to keep quiet tonight.
She put the pasta back into the pot and smiled at me as she spun back to the stove.
“I’m sorry. I think I misheard you,” I said slowly.
“I said we’re going to have sex,” she said, glancing over at me before adding the pasta to the sauce. “After dinner.” She set the pot on one of the unused burners. “Plus, by then I’ll have a pretty good grip on if you’re a hallucination, right? Unless I can magically eat all this by myself.”
I stared at her, and then stared some more, locking every muscle to keep from lunging for her and forgetting about dinner. “That’s not going to happen,” I finally managed to say.
She came toward me, those spectacular eyes locked on mine, then reached around me and opened the cabinet behind my shoulder. “Sure it is. I want you. From what I remember of that kiss, you want me. We’re both consenting adults, and I’m sick of wasting every minute I have left on this earth. I’m ready to act.”
Dishes clanked softly behind me as she retrieved two plates without breaking eye contact, bringing her mouth perilously close to mine with the way I had my head tilted down to watch her.
“Come on, Ajax. Where’s that warrior spirit your mother named you for?” she teased, slowly lowering herself from her tiptoes. “Act with me.”
With that taunting little line, she turned away from me, toward the stove.
“Not sure you’d enjoy my particular brand of kink, Grace.” The truth—in so far that I could tell it—was the best bet here. The best thing for Grace would have been to scream in terror at the realization of the predator I was and kick me out of her house, out of herlife.
But fuck, did I want to sink my fangs into that sweet neck at the same moment I claimed her curvy little body.
Taste. Yeah, the predator that lurked within me absolutely agreed.
“Try me.” She shot me a look of pure challenge as she heaped food onto plates.
What the fuck could I say to this woman to convince her that getting the hell away from me was her safest option?
“What if I want to sink my teeth into you?”
She turned off the remaining burner and set the pan down, then turned toward me. “I’ve never been into the whole biting thing, but okay.”
My lips parted, and my fangs ached, but stayed in place.
I was not some decades-old novice. I could fucking control myself.
“And what if I want to do more than bite?” I lowered my arms as slowly as she took her time walking toward me, her bare feet silent on the floor. “What if I’m exactly like that book you love?”
“A vampire?” she asked, stopping short, only a few feet away. Her eyebrows rose, but there was no fear in her eyes. “I’ve never really done role-play, either, let alone with a hallucination. Come to think of it, there are so many things I’ve never done. That’s kind of sad, isn’t it? I’ve spent my entire life pushing myself for a degree I’m never even going to use, and completely neglected everything…fun.” She held up her fingers one at a time. “I’ve never had sex in a public place, never tried bondage, or anything really outside a few positions.”
A growl started low in my chest at the thought of her sharing her body withanyoneelse.
Fucking stop it.Women in this century slept with men with the same degree of freedom that men had always used to sleep with whomever they wanted. My territorial pain-in-the-ass instincts were just going to have to catch up to the equality of the times.
“Nothing outside a few positions,” I repeated, needing to fill the silence before the only thing she heard was the sound of her own moans as I started ticking off her little list.
“Nope.” She shrugged. “My undergrad boyfriend wasn’t exactly worth bragging about, and then graduate school…” Her nose crinkled in distaste. “Well, he wasn’t anything to brag about.”
“Hmm.” Controlling myself around Grace was hard enough already without her casually talking about sex like my dick wasn’t hard enough to punch through my fucking pants already. This was fuckingtorture.
“I’ve never even had sex in the shower, or had a guy go down on me, or tried—”