Page 94 of Crimson Hunter
“Not if I can help it.” I savored the scent of her, the feel of her skin, her slight weight, the way my heart felt like it was wrapped around hers through that bond we shared as I carried her into the hallway.
I’d had hours, weeks to think about this, and there was only one path I could see as even a possibility, and it depended on way more than just me and my intentions.
We entered the foyer at the same time as my brothers, who were returning from Maria’s house.Right on time.
I looked straight at Saint. “I need you.”
Saint nodded without hesitation, then followed us past the kitchen and down the steps into tunnels under the mansion.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking,” Grace said as we approached Gabriel’s infirmary.
“Good. I’m keeping my shields up until I know if it’s a possibility.” Shit, a tiny kernel of hope blossomed in my chest that this might actually work.
We walked into the infirmary, where Julian was having midnight meal with Gabriel in his office. Both stood as we entered.
“Is everything okay?” Gabriel asked.
“Not sure,” I answered honestly, setting Grace on the exam table with the utmost care. “Is Aurora up for visitors?”
Gabriel’s brows rose.
“Fuck,” Saint muttered, as if following my train of thought.
I honestly didn’t know why I hadn’t thought of it sooner.
“I’m right here,” a soft voice said from behind us. “You can ask me yourself.”
Turning, I saw Aurora in the doorway to the recovery room. She was thin—far too thin—and from what I’d heard, would still only feed when Saint fucked with her head to make her think she was drinking something else out of that wine glass. Her eyes were haunted and too big for her face and she clutched the robe closed like it would protect her, but to her credit, she didn’t flinch away from me.
“I need your blood.” I said it without preamble.
She stepped back, her eyes flying wide.
“Damn it, Ajax.” Saint moved, subtly putting himself between us.
“I said I need it, not that I was going to take it.” I glanced back at Grace, who looked just as stunned as Gabriel. “I need your blood to save my wife.”
Mate was a better term, but this female didn’t exactly look like she was interested in hearing anything but humanized words.
Aurora looked at Grace, but remained silent.
“What the hell are you doing, brother?” Saint demanded, his voice more growl than anything.
“Can you still scent Samuel on her?” I asked.
Aurora recoiled.
Saint’s jaw worked. “Yes,” he ground out.
I nodded. “Because his blood is still in her. He’s the one that transfused her, and my guess would be all three times if he was hoping she’d bond to him.”
Aurora half-hid behind the door, but kept her gaze locked on Grace, as though she’d completely disassociated from the conversation.
“You don’t know what Samuel was thinking,” Gabriel argued.
“I know he took the half-blood daughter of a duke and transitioned her. A high-ranking noble. He’s what? Fourth in the line of succession?” I asked.
“Third,” Saint admitted quietly. “My thoughts took the same path weeks ago. He wasn’t successful in wedding the second-in-line, so he went for Aurora.”