Page 22 of Sweet & Spicy
I shifted in my seat, nodding as I shut down my computer. “They’re doing good.”
“You’re a good teacher,” she said, stacking some papers in a pile and setting them on my desk. “These are all graded and inputted into the system like you asked.”
“Thanks,” I said, giving her a smile. We’d been working together for a week straight now and we’d fallen into this incredibly normal rhythm of being around each other. She’d never brought up the kiss, so I kept my mouth shut about it too. I’m sure she regretted it or maybe she didn’t think it was a big deal since it had happened because we traveled a little too far down memory lane.
Either way, I couldn’t help it, I loved seeing her every day. Even if it was just a friendship rekindling between us, it brought a certain sense of wholeness to my life that I didn’t realize I was missing.
“Is there anything else you need?” she asked as I scooted back from the desk and tucked the chair under it.
The memory of her lips on mine, her body pliant beneath my hands swarmed my vision and filled my head so much I could barely breathe around it. I needed more of that, more ofher.
“No,” I said instead of voicing the truth. “That’s all. I’ll see you after Thanksgiving.”
She nodded, heading back to the training room to collect her bag, I assumed.
“You’re in so much trouble,” Ridge’s voice sounded from behind me, and I spun around from where I’d been staring after Anne to find him standing there with his arms folded over his chest.
“Who says?”
“That look on your face says.”
I rolled my eyes. “Where are we going tonight?”
“Have you decided if you’re coming over tomorrow or not?” Ridge asked.
“I don’t know…”
“Come on, a Blackstone Thanksgiving. You loved it last year.”
“I know, I just—”
“You don’t have plans for Thanksgiving?” Anne cut over me as she came back into the room, her purse in her hands.
Ridge glared at her. “Dinner with meisa plan.”
Her eyes fluttered downward, and I wanted to punch Ridge. He had a grudge against her since he met me shortly after we’d broken up, but that was years ago. Couldn’t he drop the overprotectiveness for five minutes?
“Right,” she said. “Sorry, I just…” She straightened her spine, a breath restoring her usual confident exterior. “If you two would like to come to my house for Thanksgiving, we’d be more than happy to host you. We’ll have plenty—”
“I’d rather get my balls tattooed in front of an audience than spend an entire evening with a house full of people whose only concern is who has more offshore accounts than the other.”
“Jesus, Ridge,” I chided. “Lay off it, will you?”
Anne laughed, and my eyes widened at how delightful and genuine it sounded. She was within rights to be in tears over Ridge’s asshole comment, but she was laughing. “You sound like my brother-in-law,” she said, swiping beneath her eyes.
“HimI like,” Ridge grumbled.
“That’s right,” she said. “You did Cannon’s most recent tattoo didn’t you? The one with Persephone’s name?Noton his balls of course,” she added. “Not that I know of anyway.”
Ridge grunted in response.
“The details of the pomegranate seeds were amazing. Seriously, you’re a fantastic artist.”
I cocked a brow at Ridge, who shifted on his feet.