Page 20 of The Run In
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After walking into Hell Cat’s, Mike and I headed over to the bar. I slid onto a stool and smiled when the redheaded bartender made her way over to us.
“Afternoon, gentlemen. What can I do you for?”
Giving her a smile I knew made ladies’ panties melt, I replied, “I’ll take a Solemn Oath.”
She looked over at Mike as he said, “Same for me, please.”
Knocking on the bar, she smiled. “Is that it?” When she turned back to me, I was about to say something but then stopped myself. I had no doubt in my mind that I could take her into the bathroom and fuck her senseless. The problem was, I didn’t want to.
A strange feeling came over me as I glanced over my shoulder and my eyes immediately landed on someone familiar.
I grinned and hit Mike on the back. “I’ll be right back.”
As I stood and walked over to Saylor, it wasn’t lost on me that my mood had immediately shifted. She sat at a table with the cutest damn grin on her face, and my stomach dipped as it grew into a full-on smile.
“Fancy running into you here, Ms. Night.”
“Research,” she answered.
With a questioning look, I asked, “On a Saturday?”
She shrugged, and her smile dropped. “Not much else to do when you’re new in town, and your one and only friend ditched you for a guy. You work.”
I felt guilty that I hadn’t given more consideration to the fact that Saylor might be lonely.
“I have a dinner party to go to tonight,” I said. “Would you want to come along?”
Saylor drew her brows together. “A dinner party?”
“Yeah, some friends of mine just moved into their new apartment and they’re throwing a housewarming party. Why don’t you come? I’ll introduce you to some people.”
“Do they work at Maxwell and Locke?” she asked.
I chuckled. “No, they’re pretty much all trust-fund babies.”
“Oh.” She gave me a sweet grin then shrugged. “Um, sure, why not. Might be fun.”
I tried not to read into the fact that her agreeing had totally turned my day around.
“Text me your address and I’ll pick you up around seven.”
She smiled as she reached for her phone and started typing away. My phone buzzed, and I grinned. She only lived five minutes from me.
“Wait, Mason—what should I wear?”
A slow smirk moved across my face at the idea of seeing her in something sexy.
“Cocktail dress, and I’ll be in a suit.”
Her eyes widened. “A cocktail dress? For a housewarming party?”
I winked. “See you at seven, Ms. Night.”