Page 2 of UnderCover
“I know right.”
Holy shit! Birdie cannot be a mother, can she? She’s never mentioned a child.
“Mom said I could have my pick of the newest litter and he just…melted my heart.” Pick of the litter?
“Are there more?”
“I have two left that we are still trying to find homes for. I won’t be put out if we can’t though. You should get one, Angie. Pugs are too lovable.”
Pugs? Pretty sure that’s not a kid they are oohing and ahhing over, but a puppy.
Birdie laughs and I have to focus on my breathing so I don’t pop wood right here in front of the entire damn class.
“They don’t do much and are so cuddly and sweet and affectionate. I always say I’m so out of shape even my puppy has obesity.”
I walk by the women, “Men like women with a little more to hold.”
Birdie jumps a little as she turns with her mouth open in a cute gasp. Her mom and Angie - thank you, Caroline, for telling me what the blonde’s name was again - both rib her, smiling and teasing her but I keep going like it’s no big deal. Birdie blushes and even that’s cute and petite. The pink stain hits her cheeks and travels down her neck to the top of her shirt.
“Alright guys, thank you for your patience. Let’s get this class going.” I put my bag down and turn to the women who are now standing in lines. “I’m going to need a little help this time. Birdie, will you come up here and help me?”
Her eyes widen and she looks around like I might be talking to another Birdie right behind her. Like there could be another Birdie. I give her a nod and her mom and Angie push her towards the front.
I shouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t treat this little thing like this in front of all these women. But I just can’t seem to help myself. She cautiously makes her way to where I’m standing but she won’t make eye contact. She’s gnawing on her lip and looks like she could be going to the gallows instead of standing up in front of the class.
“Okay. Today we’re going to work on what to do if someone comes at you from behind. And Birdie is perfect since she’s so small.” This has her finally looking up at me. “I can show you ladies that it doesn’t matter how small you are or how big your assailant is, you can still defend yourself.”
Have to make it at least look like the reason she’s really up here is to help me demonstrate to the class. I walk up behind her and wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her back into me. And automatically realize why this is such a bad idea. Having her in my arms is making me hard as hell.
I go through what to do with her. Doing it over and over again until I have them pair up and do it with us. Halfway through the class I change it up and take her around the waist instead of around the neck.
“If you happen to be travel-sized like Birdie is then some offenders will find it easier to just take you like this.”
God damn it! I try to breathe through the image of me ‘taking her like this’ while both of us are standing. I would totally be able to move her around any way I wanted her when we…oh this is going to bring me nothing but trouble and yet my mind won’t stop going over ways to fuck Birdie.
Her mom is in the room for fuck’s sake and yet my damned dick won’t stop or go down like a good boy. I just have to push it further.
“Alright, ladies. Let me show you what we’ll be working on next week.” Yeah, I am an asshole. “Lay on your back, sunshine.”
I give her a lop-sided smile before repeating myself. “On the ground, on your back.”
She eventually sinks in front of me and I swear to God the same thought goes through both of our minds as our eyes meet and linger. We’re both thinking of her sinking down to her knees for much better reasons than me trying to teach her safety.
I go to my knees too and pull Birdie where I need her. Both legs are over my hips as I sit right between her legs. I talk to the class but the entire time I am between her thighs, flashes of what I want to do keep playing in my head on repeat.
I take her wrists in my hands and the fact that she’s so much smaller than me is really driven home. Her eyes fly to mine with a look that clearly asks me if this is okay. A sense of rightness fills me and I can’t help but puff my chest out at the notion that this little thing looked to me for confirmation, for surety, for protection. If that doesn’t make a man feel like a god nothing else will.
By the time class is over, I have to get away. I’m going to have to take the world’s longest, coldest shower just to be able to walk right again.
“Let’s go out! We’ll feed you!” Angie bats her eyes and gives me a breathy request.
“I’m sorry, ladies, I would love to but I have a prior engagement.”
“A date?” Angie pouts the words out.
“A girlfriend?” Birdie’s mom follows up and I see the two women look at one another. They aren’t sneaky at all. Both of the women have matchmaking written all over their faces.