Page 5 of UnderCover
Yeah, there’s no way I am letting this guy do it while I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs. I place the pads and try to stop staring at what I’ve uncovered. But my fingers can’t help but touch the soft skin of her breasts. And soft it is. She is the softest thing I have ever touched. And I plan to touch her much more often, especially after tonight.
I trace the bruise that will only get worse on her upper shoulder and across the top of one of her breasts. My shaky fingers trail across the darkening skin and I find anger welling up in me. I don’t think Birdie is responsible for this wreck. I don’t think she went to sleep while driving or wasn’t paying attention to where she was going because she got distracted by something in the car.
Someone did this to her. Someone hurt her and if I ever catch them…the badge be damned. I will make them suffer like they have never thought of suffering before.
Chapter Five
I drift in and out of consciousness for I'm not sure how long. The last thing I can remember is begging Gareth not to leave me as they were taking me out of the ambulance. How embarrassing!
I don’t know how long I have been out of it but when I wake up, it’s with blurred vision. My mom is sitting right beside my bed so someone must have told her. Probably Gareth.
She jumps up and comes to stand over me, “Oh thank goodness. You scared me a little bit there, darlin’. How are you feeling?”
How am I feeling? Well, my head feels like it’s got a whole crew of construction workers with drills and jackhammers going to town in my brain. But I’m not going to worry Mom.
“Head hurts…and there’s two of you.”
“That’ll go away in a couple of hours or a day or two at most.”
I turn too fast and see Gareth standing on the other side of me. The movement makes me wince. I have to bite back the whimper that wants to come out with the wince.
“Probably best not to make sudden moves.”
I catch the light coming in from the window and notice I’m in a hospital gown. How long did I sleep? How long has Gareth been here with me?
That’s silly, he probably left and came back.
“Can I see you out here a minute, Gareth?”
Someone I don’t know sticks just his head in.
“If you two will excuse me. I’ll be back.”
The door is barely closed before my mom leans closer to whisper to me. “You two have made quite the story since you’ve been out.”
What could I have done while I was out of it? Thinking hurts my head though so I’m just going to wait and let Mom explain.
“Apparently he told the paramedic you two were together…and wouldn’t let the guy put those sticky pads all over your chest.” She drops her voice even lower. “He did it himself.”
I moan this time. “So embarrassing!”
“You’re missing the point, sweetie.”
I don’t think I can handle Mom’s matchmaking right now. After all, I must look like hell on a cracker. I’m rocking a hospital gown and feel like I stopped a train with my forehead.
“Ladies,” The voice calls me back to what we were discussing before he came back into the room. And the scent he carries with him comes in too. Damn, he smells good.
Shut up, Birdie! Not the time. Maybe I need a CAT scan while I’m here…if they haven’t already done one. I try to smile at him but I’m pretty sure all that comes out is another wince.
“How are you feeling?”