Page 111 of Possessing Eden
“To what end?” Simon asks and spins his laptop back around to face him. His fingers fly across the keyboard.
“I don’t know. I really don’t. He just wanted me to report on you guys, especially you,” Eden says and looks at me with something akin to sadness. “He said it was something personal with you, but wouldn’t tell me what. Someone named Dimitri, I think, was paying them for the job.”
Personal? The only Russian who could have something personal against me is the fucking cunt that shot me.
“How did they know about the club?” Uriel asks from my side as he moves into view. “Sure, we bought it, but it was a quick, easy transaction. And it was lowkey enough that it shouldn’t have been on anyone’s radar.”
“I-I don’t know about any of that, but they knew you owned it and would set people up inside it,” Eden says. “I mean, the only one who did know anything was Rodney.”
“We’ll need to bring in Rodney for questioning,” Simon says. “Intensive questioning.”
“I’ll pick him up,” Uriel says. “We let him stay home and rest up a bit after we spoke with him the first time.”
“Take Johnathan and have him at the warehouse tomorrow,” Simon says. “I think we should watch him overnight to see if he does anything stupid.”
Nathaniel walks back into the room, Abel giggling in his arms.
My son’s happy little face beams even brighter when he spies me.
I stand for him and Abel opens his arms out to me.
Eden growls as I take our son, but I nod to Nathaniel who has a bottle of what looks like medicine.
“Your throat must be aching, Eden,” Nathaniel says and hands her a bottle. “This should help ease the pain, but you need to rest your voice after we’re done here in the office.”
Eden looks like she’d rather toss it in the trash bin.
Leaning down to her, I murmur quietly, “If we wanted you dead or drugged up, we wouldn’t trick you.”
Sighing, she nods her head.
But I can see that while she understands my words, she doesn’t quite believe them.
Trust, it seems, is still something she will need to find in her new family.
“Talk to the woman, Lana, as well,” Simon says almost as an afterthought. “We need to know if she knows anything.”
“I’ll handle that,” Amanda says. “Andrew, you want to come?”
“Sure,” Andrew says. “Ever since Doc here came into our lives, it’s been getting boring for me.”
“Wait,” Eden says, her face full of worry. “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”
Ah, there my little angel is, caring for another’s well-being and mortality.
“No,” Lucifer says. “We may have use for her, I suspect.”
Sitting back down in my chair, I let Abel trace his fingers around the tattoos on my shoulders and neck. His little fingers tickle my skin and my smile makes his smile grow even larger.
Such a precious little child.
It’s strange to me that his touch is so similar to Eden’s, quieting all the madness inside my body.
“What were you supposed to do once you had information on us?” Simon asks.
“Uncle Mickey wanted me to tell him,” Eden says. “And honestly, I didn’t give him much. I told him the little I saw. I told him about… Jude…” Her eyes look far away, as if she’s remembering that time. “He said that was all he needed. I was supposed to be done with it and he was going to pay me. I was going to leave the city and disappear…”
“The money that was put in your bank account this morning has already been transferred out,” Simon says. “I’m assuming that wasn’t by you. It’ll take time to track down who made the transfer, but I’ll have Jude let you know when it has been returned to you.”