Page 117 of Possessing Eden
Jude nods and helps me to my feet. Keeping ahold of my hand, he leads out of the bedroom and down the hallway to the nursery.
I don’t notice until we’re halfway there that he’s bare-ass naked.
He’s not wearing a stitch of clothing.
“Where are your clothes…” I choke out.
Jude looks down at himself, as if he’s forgotten he’s nude, then grins at me. “I can’t stand sleeping in them.”
The man is literally a walking piece of art with all his tattoos and muscles. His body moving in a way that’s almost hypnotic.
Without thinking, I look down at his waist and get abigeyeful. “Not even underwear?”
Jude chuckles, and I quickly realize I’m gawking at him like a silly virgin.
Ripping my eyes back up, my cheeks flush with embarrassment.
His grin only grows wider. “You know you’re welcome to sleep naked, too. Clothing only gets in the way. There should be nothing between us.”
My eyes widen in horror at the thought of sleeping naked in bed with him. “I… couldn’t…”
Jude looks like he wants to argue the point but then he must change his mind.
Giving my hand an affectionate squeeze before we step into the nursery, he says, “Think about it.”
The last thing I want to do is think about it, especially as we walk into the nursery.
Once again, I’m confronted by the fact the Jude has already purchased and assembled a second crib.
His expectation of eventually knocking me up crystal fucking clear.
Trying not to hyperventilate and pass out again, I drop his hand and approach Abel’s crib.
Still sleeping on his back, Abel looks peaceful and entirely too innocent.
He’s not aware of all the craziness going on around him…
He has no worries or fears.
He knows only that he’s safe and happy.
Needing to touch him, to feel that he’s real, I start to move my hand towards him.
But I’m shaking too damn bad.
I don’t know if it’s nerves or something else, but I stop. Afraid I’ll wake him.
Coming up to stand beside me, Jude peers down into the crib.
And I watch his face light up with a joy that only a real father should feel.
I’m both terrified and in awe of it.
It makes no sense.
How can he love Abel so much?
I don’t understand it, but I can’t deny it’s real.