Page 128 of Possessing Eden
I turn my head and glare into his eyes. “Why?”
Jude smiles at me. “You know why.”
He leans in to capture my lips, but when I sharply turn my head away, he chuckles.
Then his knees squeeze my knees and he slowly rocks his hips. “The longer my cum is inside you, the more likely you’ll get pregnant.”
Groaning, I clench my hands and try my best to buck him off me.
Until he purrs into my ear, “Mmm, keep moving like that and I’ll be ready to go again.”
To prove his point, I feel his cock twitch inside me.
I shove my face into the pillow and fight back the hunger that twitch awakened.
Wondering how the fuck I’m going to escape if I can even get him off me after he comes inside me…
Five in the morning.
No noises to be heard, beyond the voices in my head telling me something is missing. Some little detail has gone unnoticed.
One voice screams for me to murder the world, burn it all to the ground with napalm. Leave no inch of this planet left unscorched except for this house. This little piece of solitude.
Destroy the world and no more little details will be left to plague my thoughts.
Then I can focus solely on those I care so much for.
Eden, Abel, and my unborn child.
Eden will be pregnant before the month’s end.
If she isn’t already.
She doesn’t take the pill, and I don’t see any spots on her arm marking an implant. I doubt she’s on the shot.
She’ll be pregnant and I’ll have two children in this home.
Picking up my phone from the bedside table, I quietly move away from the bed. I loathe to be apart from Eden, but this little nagging thought has taken my brain from blissful sleep to full annoyance.
Walking across the floor, I stand before the window and look out to the street below. Nothing stirs. The neighborhood hasn’t come alive with activity yet, but it will.
For now, the only thing stirring is the silent cars patrolling the neighborhood.
Everything is buttoned up like a fucking vault here and yet my brain is fucking unable to control the flashes of anger that something is missing.
I want to stab something, to carve flesh from bone. To do anything but sit here and fucking stew in my fucking thoughts.
Looking back to Eden’s sleeping form, I feel the stirrings of my cock begging its master to be unleashed on her supple body. My hands ache to grip her hips and drive myself into her repeatedly as she gasps out in pleasure.
Shaking my head, I force those thoughts from my head.
She clouds my brain.
Eden’s a drug, and the only way to feel any semblance of normalcy is to sate my desires repeatedly.