Page 133 of Possessing Eden
I pull my wallet from my back pocket. “Thank you.”
“Make sure to get a tracker too from Simon,” Johnathan says. “Some lowlife pile of shit tried to steal my bike and we hunted the fucker down with my phone.”
A small smirk appears on Simon’s face as Johnathan talks, and I can only guess at the mischief they got up to.
“I do believe, with all the deformities he has now, that man will never try riding a motorcycle again,” Simon says.
Everything in me stills. It’s as if the whole world freezes for a moment and I get a flashback of when I stole Eden’s phone.
I left that phone in my car.
The very same car I was chased down and attacked in.
Shaking my head, I watch Simon and Johnathan smiling at some memory and hear a clamor of alarm bells ringing in my head.
“Did you strip my car of my belongings before it got towed away?” I ask Simon.
Looking at me in confusion, he says, “Of course.”
I turn to Johnathan. “I took Eden’s phone from her and I left it in that car. It must have a tracker on it or some app.”
Johnathan snaps his fingers as he follows the steps in my brain. “That’s how they found you. They didn’t just pop up on you by chance, they knew where you were the whole time. They set the place of your ambush by simply circling you. They just had to wait. That’s why they didn’t send heavy hitters in. They didn’t need to.”
“Where’s the phone now?” I quickly ask Simon.
“It should be at the impound yard.” Simon grins at me. “We wanted to get everything cleared before we turned anything back over to you. We searched the car thoroughly, there wasn’t anything out of place. But we didn’t search that phone.”
“Can we reverse the tracker?” I ask.
“It will take some time, but if we’re careful, I do believe we can.” Simon grins even wider. “I’ll go get one of our men to secure the phone now.”
The roar of the bike between my legs gives me a thrill I haven’t felt since I was in Bucharest acquiring a few weapon contracts. The thrum of the engine, the roar of the mufflers, I can fully understand the joy Johnathan finds in riding a bike. I even find myself grinning.
I admit I probably look quite strange riding in my three-piece suit.
It matters not, though, because I’m fucking happy.
That nagging thought in the back of my head is gone, and we’re now actively going back at the fuckers who tried to harm me.
Proactive is better than reactive.
Pulling up past the guards in my driveway, I yank the helmet off my head and grin as I climb off the bike. Johnathan was right, my bike is a thing of beauty.
Calling the bike Serenity seems fitting.
Tucking my helmet under my arm, I hitch up my backpack and walk to the front door as it’s pulled open wide by my beautiful wife.
Eyes wide, Eden looks at me and then past me out the door.
The dull black of the bike takes on an almost ferocious look as it sits there in our driveway.
“What is that?” Eden asks me as she eyes the helmet under my arm and the backpack I swing off my shoulders.
“Where’s our son?” I ask her while putting the helmet and the backpack on the couch.