Page 143 of Possessing Eden
My eyes going wide as his cock finds my entrance, I shake my head back and forth.
What the fuck?
Seriously, what the fuck?
I thought he didn’t want me…
Reading the question in my eyes, he grins. “If you love something, let it go…”
Didn’t he say that when…
It was another one of his dirty tricks!
Glaring murderously at him, I try my best the bite the flesh of his hand.
Laughing, Jude rocks forward, thrusting into me.
I’d like to say I’m so pissed I’m as dry as the Sierra, but that would be a lie. I’m drenched, and it’s not from the shower pouring down on my head.
“You came back to me,” Jude groans, his eyes momentarily closing in bliss. “Again.”
As his thickness spreads me open, I have to swallow back my own groan.
I guess no amount of anger or rage can dampen the euphoria I feel when he’s inside me. If anything, it only enhances it.
He’s said many times my pussy was made for him, and I think I’m starting to believe it.
There’s just something… almost fucking magical when we join.
Eyes flashing open, Jude pulls back then pushes forward, filling me up again.
His hard stare holding me as firmly as his hands.
“You want me as much as I want you,” he rasps. “Want me more than you want air.”
Slowly, as if he has all the damn time in the world, he works himself in and out of me.
Building up the pace until I’m squirming and panting against his palm.
“Admit it,” he demands.
Shaking my head, I refuse.
I… justcan’t.
To admit I want him would be like admitting defeat.
And I’m not ready to face that possibility yet.
He’s gotten so far under my skin, I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to exist without him.
But I know I’ll have to.
Someway, somehow, I’ll have to find a way to go on without everything he’s showered upon me. And I’m not talking about his damn money.
Money has nothing to do with any of this.
It’s his worship and devotion.