Page 157 of Possessing Eden
Unperturbed, Meredith grins an evil little grin. “Can you imagine? All the children overrunning our house? We’ll have Adam, Charlie, Abigail, and Evie come over. I know you just love little Evie and her antics.”
Simon’s laughter cuts off.
Meredith’s face lights up as she goes on. “And just think of all the babies. David and Noah are on the move now. Who knows what they’ll get up to… And poor little Sarah has colic. She’ll probably cry the whole time. Then you have Rebekah and Abel… Making sure they’re not sticking everything in their mouth will be quite the challenge.”
Simon tries to cut in. “Princess—”
Meredith talks right over him. “Let’s not forget our dear nephew, Cian. You know Meghan has been complaining that he keeps blowing out his diapers. They’ve yet to find a brand that can contain him.”
“Princess—” Simon says louder.
But Meredith won’t be stopped. “I’ll make sure all the parents know they don’t have to stay. We’ll watch the little ones all day for them. After all, we know they need the break. And of course, we’ll take care of all the fun and cleanup. I should probably have the older ones do crafts to keep busy. Yes, crafts with paint and glue and glitter! Little kids love glitter, don’t they?”
“Meredith!” Simon shouts.
“Yes, dear?” Meredith says in mock surprise.
“The bug is in the right pocket of your diaper bag,” Simon growls.
“I knew it!” Meredith hisses right back.
Yanking her diaper bag out of the stroller basket, she shoves her hand into the pocket. A second later she pulls her hand out in triumph and straightens.
Dropping the small, black object on the ground, she starts to viciously stomp on it. “I swear, if I catch you spying on me again while I’m having girl time it will be your balls I’ll be stomping on!”
“You can try—” Simon starts to threaten.
But Meredith hits the red button to disconnect.
“That man! I swear!” Meredith cries out as she stomps the small object into even smaller pieces. “It never ends!”
Her face flushed red as if she’s trying to contain her laughter, Beth says, “I think you’ve killed it.”
Meredith makes an angry sound in her throat and stomps on the device some more. Working out her frustration. “This better be the only bug or I’ll make damn sure Simon can never have another kid!”
A little whimper comes from Meredith’s stroller and she freezes. “Oh no.”
The little whimper turns into a full-blown wail.
The wail is quickly met with another.
“Dammit,” Meredith grumbles. “He woke the babies.”
Abandoning the bug, Meredith walks around her stroller and pulls the canopy back.
Squatting, she talks softly to her babies. “Shhhh, it’s okay, sweeties. Go back to sleep.”
The babies seem to stop in unison to take a breath then they cry harder.
“Shit,” Meredith curses and straightens. “I doubt they’ll go back to sleep now without eating.”
Walking back around the stroller, she grabs the handle and begins to push and pull it back and forth. Trying to soothe the twins.
But they continue to cry.
Chewing on her lip, Beth says, “I guess we should go back. You can feed them at my house.”
Meredith lets out a loud sigh. “Okay.”