Page 173 of Possessing Eden
But it’s starting to grow on me.
Especially when my fingers finally find the outline of the button. Sighing in relief, I press the button down and activate the release.
The frame of the painting pops away from the wall, the painting itself part of the hidden door.
Some mechanism activated by the button, the door swings open slowly for us, revealing a pitch-black room.
“I’m not going in there!” Sonya screeches and backs away.
Growing tired of her attitude, regardless of her earlier concern for me, I turn towards Sonya, ready to give her a piece of my mind.
But a loud burst of gunfire followed by James shouting out in pain stops me.
“Fuck! My fucking foot! Fuck!” James yells.
My heart dropping into my stomach, I grab Sonya’s arm and yank hard enough to pull her arm out of the socket if she fights me.
“Get in!” I scream and shove her roughly past the threshold.
She stumbles and I fear she might drop Alex, but it can’t be helped.
Better injured than dead.
Grabbing the handle of the door, I slam it shut, throwing us into complete darkness.
“Oh my god!” Sonya starts to shriek over and over. Freaking the babies out even more.
Doing my best not to completely lose my shit, I run my palm all over the wall, searching for the light switch.
When I finally find it, the light comes on so harsh and bright it’s blinding.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I grumble, squinting my eyes against the glare.
“What now?!” Sonya demands.
It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light before I can look around. The safe room is pretty much a fallout bunker designed to withstand almost anything nasty that could happen. Boxes line the walls, full of supplies. There’s a single bed, barely big enough to fit two people. The walls themselves appear to be concrete, but they’re protected by metal on the other side.
Jude explained to me that it has a separate water and oxygen system from the house, buried deep underground and protected.
We could survive in here for weeks, if necessary.
I just hope it doesn’t come to that…
Taking in the stack of supplies pushed against the back wall, my throat tightens.
Jude truly thought of everything. There’s more than a month’s supply of formula, diapers, and baby food for Abel. There’s even a portable playpen with a few toys.
Rubbing Abel’s back to help calm him, I carry him over to the playpen, meaning to set him down.
But I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m so damn scared, so damn worried, I think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t feel him against me.
“What now?!” Sonya yells at me.
I jerk my head in her direction, ready to tell herI don’t know.
But I spot the security screens on the wall behind her shoulder.
Clutching Abel tighter, my shirt soaked with his tears, I walk around Sonya without answering.