Page 20 of Possessing Eden
It’s the same routine day in and day out.
Moving into the underbelly of the office building, my shoulders feel the familiar tension building between them.
Another day, another waste of time that could have me back out of the country doing something worthwhile instead of being stuck here with my boredom.
Even now I can feel the deadening of my senses. There’s no challenge to my day. There’s no thrill to being an office drone.
It’s almost akin to losing one’s callouses. The paddings on my hands are going soft when they should be hard and abrasive.
The loss of those much needed callouses feels like chains around my little demons who want to play so badly.
Once we’re on our way up to the top floor of the building, I ask Thaddeus, “Want to take bets on what we do today?”
Shaking his head, he just ignores my sour mood.
Thaddeus is one of the few people I’m actually forced to physically look up to when I talk to him.
He’s six-foot-seven inches to my six-three, and while it’s only a few more inches, he seems to loom even larger. He’s wider and thicker than Gabriel, who’s my size but heavier.
That’s why whenever we get into the elevator, I swear I can feel the damn thing bounce up and down from his weight.
Two stops from the top of the building and the elevator comes to a halt. The doors open then Simon and Johnathan walk in.
“Thaddeus,” John says before he looks to me. “You look like shit, Jude.”
“Why, thank you,” I grumble. “I didn’t know you took notice of me.”
“Have you tried sleeping?” he asks with a chuckle.
“Yes,” I answer. “I did that a couple of weeks back. It was quite boring. Shouldn’t I be asking you the very same question?”
Johnathan shrugs. “Military tends to fix the need for sleeping. It’s not all drinking and shooting. A lot of it is standing somewhere for days on end. And besides, Rebekah and Charlie don’t wake me too much at night.”
Babies. I’m surrounded by men with babies. It’s way too fucking domesticated for my tastes.
And the fact that Simon and Johnathan are standing beside each other without so much as flinching is far too unnerving, to say the least.
For the past two months, they’ve been acting closer. No reason has been stated, but I know they went on an off-the-books trip together and whatever happened certainly removed some of their distaste for each other.
The whole world is changing around me, and I’m stuck in a cramped office, watching it go by from a window.
I knew my time out in the wild was running short. Even before the incident in Kentucky. Yet, I tried to play it off in my mind that I was simply being paranoid.
Paranoia has its benefits when you’re on your own.
I could feel the calling to come back home, though.
Lucifer may have had the final say, but I’m not positive I would have been able to resist the gravity well I felt pulling me back here.
I think all of the family has felt it recently. As if we’re being called in to protect the pack.
Keep the lions at bay long enough for us to regroup, grow, and show a new monster to the world.
The main problem with Lucifer’s plan, though, is an easily exploitable one. He’s decided to not only bring new men and women into the family, but to also have families.
Spouses and children are not a good thing when it comes to murder, theft, drugs, smuggling, and whatever the fuck else we do to make a living.
I let out one long internal sigh as the doors finally open for the top floor of the building.