Page 65 of Possessing Eden
“It looks that way,” I say with a smirk.
And fuck if acknowledging it doesn’t feel fucking good.
“Crazy.” He chuckles. “All of you are crazy. If I had gone into mental health, I could have written article about you all and not a single person would believe me.”
“Or perhaps they would be jealous,” I say and turn to head back inside.
“Of what?” Nathaniel scoffs. “Guns, violence, death, and trauma?”
“That, and more to be sure. But also the knowledge that once you’re in the family, it’s only a matter of time before you find your soul mate,” I respond, not turning around.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Nathaniel laughs.
* * *
Eden’s faceisn’t as dark when I walk back into her house. Her arms are wrapped around Abel, but some of the tension is gone from her shoulders.
“I have the medication,” I say, holding it up. “We’re not to use the same dropper from the pain meds. He was quite assertive in telling me that.”
Nodding she stands up, from the couch, her curvy body looking delicious in that little dress.
Her bare thighs are showing just below the hemline from sitting down and not pushing the dress back into place.
Those creamy inner thighs… what I wouldn’t give to have my ears between them as I taste her.
I bet they’re as warm and soft as they look.
“Stop perving on me, Jude,” Eden sighs with annoyance. “We don’t use the same droppers in case of contamination, it’s pretty much common knowledge.”
Ah, that does make a bit of sense.
But given I’m a first-time father, on his very first day, I think I’ll have to cut myself some slack. I wonder if any of my brothers have some of those self-help books about children…
“Why?” I ask, my eyes tracking slowly up from her legs back to her face.
Why in the world would I ever stop looking at my wife? She’s mine and mine alone. Shouldn’t a man be attracted to his spouse?
“Because of germs,” she says, exasperated.
“I meant about stopping…” Shaking my head, I drop the matter.
Going to the counter, I open the medicine bottle and start trying to take out the exact measurement that it says on the side.
Finally, after a couple of tries, I get what looks to be the exact amount.
Turning back, I grin happily at Abel.
As I grin at him, I hear the quiet murmur of a voice inside my head. Pleased that I’m taking care of our child.
Walking over to them, I say, “I’ve got it this time and it’s all mine! No sharing with the baby, ever…”
Holding the dropper out to Abel as if it’s a small game, I let him grab at it a couple of times without getting ahold of it, and watch as he gets that glint in his eyes.
Letting him finally grab it, his pudgy little fingers latch around the sticky base and he instantly brings it up to his mouth to take a taste.
Squeezing in the pink liquid, I smile as he slurps it down.
“Not so hard, hmm?” I ask before I practically have to wrench the plastic dropper back from him.