Page 90 of Possessing Eden
Holstering my gun, I move to stand in front of the Russian’s BMW.
When James pulls up closer to me, I run over and pull the door open for him, snarling, “Get the fuck out.”
“Fuck off, bitch. What the fuck is wrong with you?” James growls, pushing me back and away from him as he stands up from the car.
“My wife,” I say and jump in the driver’s seat.
“Your what?!” James asks in clear confusion.
Johnathan is running around his truck to see what’s happening, when I say, “Johnathan will take you home. I need to get to Eden.”
Slamming the door shut, I look behind me and spot the car seat in the back of his car. A lump forms in my throat and I can feel the rage burning through my body as I slam James’s car into drive and fishtail a half-circle.
James chases after me for a moment before I lose him in the smoke of his squealing tires.
By the time I’m back on fifty-eight, my phone is ringing constantly. Each time I don’t answer I can only assume it’s pissing Simon off more and more, but I simply don’t give a fuck right now.
But I do answer when I see that the call is coming directly from Lucifer.
My voice comes out harsh and raw from the screaming that keeps erupting from my lungs. “I’m heading back to Eden.”
“We need to talk about Eden,” Lucifer says quietly. “We’ve come across information that puts her in a very bad light, Jude.”
Pushing down harder on the accelerator, I listen instead of talking. I don’t trust my mouth or brain at this moment. I only trust the aching tether that pulls me to her.
Simon comes through the line when I don’t speak. “Did you steal James’s car?”
The fucker knows I did.
“Jude, Eden may be severely compromised. We found a very large deposit in her name, attached to her social security number,” Lucifer says calmly. “We also have reason to believe that her uncle, Mickey, has a hand in something.”
“What does all of that have to do with Eden?” I ask. “Are you accusing me of something?”
“Never,” Lucifer says with a tone I don’t quite know how to understand. It’s full of trust but also some other emotion I can’t quite grasp. “But you could be bringing a Judas into our family.”
“I’ll know if she is,” I say quietly. “I don’t have rose-colored lenses over my eyes.”
And I don’t.
I don’t believe she’s on some unobtainable pedestal.
I don’t believe she is pure and without sin.
But I’ll know if she’s betrayed me. I’ll know the depth of her soul.
“You need to bring her in,” Simon says so calmly it’s as if he’s asking how the weather is. “We can question her and get to the bottom of everything.”
“No,” I say. “I’ll know when I see her.”
Pushing the button to disconnect from the call, I feel my vision tunneling in.
I’ll know just by the look in her eyes.
Or at least I hope I will.
Part of me wonders if it’s been there the whole time and I’ve ignored it.
Something has felt off, was it this?