Page 98 of Possessing Eden
My fingers desperately pry at his, but it only causes him to squeeze me harder.
My nose starts to burn and the painful pricks of a thousand needles spreads across my face.
I rake my nails over the flesh of his hands, but he doesn’t relent.
His pained expression telling me he means to see this through the end.
The darkness at the edges of my vision grows and grows, swallowing everything up.
And the last thing I see, the last thing I decide to take with me, is the pain in his eyes.
I’m slipping away.
My strength fleeing from me.
Drifting into nothingness.
Then, from faraway, I hear someone growl, “Goddammit.”
Something hot touches my lips.
I’m so dazed I don’t understand it at first.
My head throbbing and pounding, I don’t realize I’m hungrily gasping in air until Jude smothers my mouth with his mouth.
Literally dying for more oxygen, I open my eyes and try to shove him away.
Refusing to be denied, he ignores my shove and presses harder into me. His mouth fighting mine.
Air is all I want. All I need.
But Jude seemingly has his own needs.
No longer gripping my throat, he captures my hands and pins them to my sides. Then he thrusts his tongue into my mouth as I gulp down a big breath.
I attempt to shove him out, desperately seeking more air.
But it only seems to encourage him.
My head still spinning, my face still tingling, he kisses me with a need I can’t match. Only try to survive.
Over and over, he slants his mouth over mine.
Lightheaded and swaying on my feet, I come to realize if I keep fighting him I’ll either pass out or die.
Giving up, I relax into his kiss and let him have his way. Stealing what small gasps of air I can get between the hard suckles of his lips.
Groaning his pleasure into my mouth, he becomes even more frenzied.
My submission feeding his madness.
Dropping my wrists, he grabs the back of my knee and yanks my leg up, notching it on his hip.
Then he kisses me so hard and with so much force, he’s pushing my head into the wall.
Darkness creeps back into my vision and a part of me wonders if he still intends to kill me.
Suffocating me with his kisses instead of with his hands.