Page 21 of Last Call
“Oh, so it’s a board puzzle?” I ask. “He loves doing those at home.”
Lex holds up his hand, crossing his leg over his knee. “Lemme get this straight, Doc. Wyatt enjoys cat puzzles and colorin’. What the hell are ye doin’ for his anxiety?”
“I’m not sure I like your tone, Mr. Ryan. Wyatt and I chat about things while he colors and does the puzzles. They are relaxing, fun activities for him.”
“Well, what kind of questions do ye ask a five-year-old with anxiety? Not specifically Wyatt, but a general question for any child.”
“A general question I would ask is how is their day going? Or, what activities do they enjoy?”
Lex glances over at me and lifts an eyebrow.
“Does he say what makes him anxious?” I ask, impatient.
“I’m afraid that’s between Wyatt and me. Patient/doctor privilege. I would let you know if I was worried he was going to harm himself.”
“Harm himself?” Lex sputters. “Doc, he’ll be five in a few months. This is utter madness.”
“Mr. Ryan, please calm down.”
“Nah, I think we’re done here. She’s away with the fairies, Sarah.” He points at Dr. Parker.
“Okay, I think we need to go.” I scoot my chair back, tugging on my husband’s arm. “Dr. Parker, thank you for your time.”
“Of course. I look forward to seeing you both again. Will one of you be dropping off Wyatt next week? Perhaps I can ask him to share a doodle.”
“I will, yeah.” Lex waves his hand as we head out to the reception area, which translates to Wyatt will not be returning to Dr. Parker’s office. “Share a doodle? What the fuck is a doodle? “She’s about as useless as tits on a bull.” he says as we get into the elevator.
“Lex, I’m just as upset as you are, but we need to think about the bigger picture here and that’s Wyatt and what is causing his anxiety.”
“Coloring, my arse. She’s mental if she thinks she’s gonna see my son again. How much are we payin’ her to give him crayons and watch him put together a fucking cat puzzle?”
“I agree, but I’m not sure where else to turn.”
“Sorry, Love, but that ‘doctor’”—Lex air-quotes—“is not helpin’ our son.”
“I’m sorry I signed that agreement. I wasn’t thinking at the time that we would need information on how he’s doing besides ‘he’s fine’. I know he’s fine, he’s my son!”
Lex draws me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. “He’s goin’ to be okay. We’re goin’ to be okay.”
“I’m so damn frustrated and I feel so helpless. Everyone has a million opinions to offer and I just want Wyatt to feel safe and secure. Is that asking too much?”
“No, Sunshine, it isn’t.” He glides his fingers through my hair and looks down at me with the most tender expression.
I cry into his shirt. “The one person who I thought could help him refuses to help us. That is so messed up.”
“It is.” He kisses the top of my head. The elevator doors slide open and we walk to our car with Lex tucking me to his side. “Let me make a few phone calls and see if we can’t find another therapist who will share and want to work with us to make Wyatt better.”
I nod my head and climb into the car. “Okay.”
“I love you, Sunshine. Shilo rum do.” He leans over and captures my lips with his. It’s our little special saying that means everything will be okay.
“I love you, Lex. Shilo rum do.” I smile against his lips. And I believe him, because we’ve been through some pretty tough storms before and have come through the other side with our hearts pieced back together.
Chapter 6
I turn thekey in our high-rise apartment door in The Gulch in downtown Nashville and hear voices in the guest bedroom. Throwing my keys and the mail on our console, I shrug off my wet coat and throw it in the laundry room, my ears attuned to the two male voices chattering animatedly in the back of our apartment. I wasn’t expecting anyone here tonight for dinner. Unease pricks the back of my neck as I walk down the hallway. I glance to my left at the empty living room and kitchen and creep to the guest room.