Page 25 of Last Call
“Aye, he’s no dry-shite, that’s for sure.” Lex chuckles. “But he’s also caring and sweet. The most loyal person I know. And, above all else, he lovesyou, brother. Yer a jammy bastard to have a husband like TJ.”
“Aye, I am. And I love him, but that doesn’t mean we should have a baby together. At least, not right now. The timin’ isn’t great.”
Lex sighs and sips his beer. “Probably not.”
“But once he gets an idea in his head, there’s no stoppin’ the bastard.”
“I won’t be able to talk any sense into him,” I say miserably.
“Nah. Probably not.”
I side-eye my brother. “Yer really fuckin’ helpful, ye know? I came home the other night to find some gombeen redesignin’ our guest room for a baby room.”
Lex arches an eyebrow. “What did ye say?”
“I got mad. He promised me we’d take it slow. Yet here we are, gettin’ ready fer a babóg.”
“Sure ye know yerself.” Lex shrugs and grins. “Give it a lash. Ye never know, it might be the best fuckin’ decision ye ever made.”
“I don’t think we’re ready.”
“When it comes to babies, yer never ready.” He holds up a finger. “And no, I’m not mental. I’m just sayin’ there’s never a perfect time. Mum always said you were the smart one. You’ll figure it out.”
I grin and look over at him. “The gobshite is finally making sense.”
“Feck off, ye langer.” He bumps my shoulder. “Look, I may not have all the answers, and I certainly don’t have it all figured out. I’ve done a lot of things wrong in me life. If I could untangle that whole mess, I would in a heartbeat…but I made mistakes and I had to learn from them. I learned to forgive myselfforthem. Marrying Sarah was the best damn decision I ever made. She breathed life back into me, and I think TJ has done the same for ye. Was I ready to be a da? Hell no. But I don’t regret one second of it. Not with Jax, and not with the twins. Are they easy? Fuck no. Every day brings something new that we have to navigate through. Do I wish somedays I could whisk Sarah off to a tropical beach on a moment’s notice and say fuck it to all my responsibilities? Yeah, I do. But when they wrap their wee little hands in mine and say, ‘I love you, Da,’ it’s the best feeling I’ve ever known. It makes all the hard times bearable.”
I rub the spot right between my eyebrows with my thumb. “Shite, I think I might want that too.”
Lex nods and takes a sip of his pint. “I know ye do. I see it in yer eyes when yer with mine.”
I look down into my half-full beer. “I done have a choice, do I?”
“Probably not.”
I glare at him, and he cracks up.
“Ye always have a choice. The question is, are ye gonna choose the right one?” He clasps the back of my neck and shakes it a little. “Welcome to marriage, little brother.”
I sit back and chuff. “You must be off your tits. I was born one minute ahead of ye.”
Lex shakes his head, then drains his beer. I quickly follow suit. He pounds his glass on the table, finishing his pint seconds before me and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, a big satisfied smile stretching across his ugly mug.
“I still got it, little brother. Ye better catch up.”
“Wind your neck in, ye lickarse.” I laugh and pull two more pints from the tap, putting my baby drama to the back of my mind for now and enjoying the company of thiseejitbrother of mine.
Chapter 9
I fold mylinen napkin in my lap and pick up my menu, perusing the specials while Kiki giggles over my Jean Paul Pierre Luc story.
“Was Connor mad about the hole he put in your wall?”
I lower my menu. “Kinky, I’ve never seen him so angry. Like a switch flipped. It brought out all the tingles.” I squirm in my seat.