Page 47 of Last Call
I look at the camera crew helplessly and shrug. “I don’t know what got his knickers in a twist. I thought Sparkles Delight was perfect, didn’t you guys?”
Chapter 17
I’m usually apretty go-with-the-flow lad. It’s hard to ruffle my feathers, but this whole baby thing has me on edge. I know I agreed to start a family with TJ, but I feel like I’m on a runaway train bulldozing its way right into a mountain with TJ at the helm. I imagined this process taking years. TJ is ready to have this stranger come live with us next week! My chest feels tight and my skin is itchy. Pulling out my cell, I call Lex.
“What’s the craic?” he answers.
“Minus craic. I need something to take the edge off. You and the boys free for a couple pints?”
“Yeah, we’ve just finished up at the studio. Hold on. Oye, Connor wants to get off his tits. Ye eejits in? Yeah, we’re all in. Meet us at The Tavern.”
“See ye in ten, and Lex? Thanks a million.”
“See ye in ten.”
I’m just finishing ordering an Uber when my phone dings with an incoming text.
TJ:Are you okay? What happened? Are you upset about the film crew?
My initial instinct is to ignore him. Obviously I’m not okay, and it pisses me off that he doesn’t understand why. I can’t believe he told Penny yes. We were supposed to make this decision together. I have major reservations about her, but Thomas did what he always does. He jumped without looking. He literally took that circle of trust between us and snapped it in two. I’m so mad I can’t think straight. I put my phone in my back pocket and walk down toward the coffee shop. The coffee shop TJ and I go to every morning together before work.
“Fucking hell.” I pull my cell back out and pace outside the shop. As much as my blood is boiling, I don’t want him to worry.
Me:I need some space to clear my head. I’m on my way to meet up with the boys and will be home later.
I turn my cell off and shove it into my back pocket when my Uber pulls up to the curb. Ten minutes later the driver drops me off in front of The Tavern. It’s an old hole-in-the-wall establishment the band frequents because no one knows who they are or cares.
Lex, Tatum, Matt, and Will are at a table in the back with a round of beers in front of them. I sit down and Lex claps me on the shoulder.
“Life grand, brother?”
“Feckin’ ragin’,” I say, lifting my beer. “Slainte.”
“Slainte.” The guys lift their beers.
“Rough day, Connor?” Tatum asks.
“Rough week.” I drink half the pint and set it down.
Tatum arches an eyebrow and chuckles. “Trouble in paradise?”
“This whole baby thing has gotten out of hand.”
“Baby? Awe, congrats man.” Will holds out a fist and waits for me to bump it. I reluctantly press my knuckles to his.
“Maybe. We’re in the process of interviewing surrogates TJ found from God-knows-where and it’s a fucking nightmare,” I say.
“Well, your first mistake was putting TJ in charge.” Tatum chuckles. Lex clinks his beer bottle with his.
“Aye, I think yer right.” I frown, looking down at my pint.
“See? That’s why I’ll never settle down. Marriage is a buzzkill,” Matt says, tipping his beer back.
“No, the reason you don’t settle down is that no woman in her right mind would date you long-term.” Tatum smirks.
“Hey, I’m grateful. Less baggage to carry around.”