Page 55 of Last Call
“A spank bank?” Connor’s eyebrows adorably draw together.
I shove his leg and whisper, “The sperm bank. We need your swimmer for the egg.”
“Ah, right. I forgot we agreed I was donating that part.”
“All this talk has made me sleepy. Let’s stay in, order food, and watch a movie since you have to work every night this week. Oh, and make sure you have next Sunday off because that’s when I’m booking Penny’s flight. Eeek! I’m so happy.” I clap my hands and jump off the couch. “Pizza, Chinese. Indian?”
“Anything but Chinese,” Connor says testily.
“Crab Rangoon isn’t calling your name tonight? I thought it would be cute to get fortune cookies and save them in our baby book. A memento from the night we hired Penny.”
“I don’t feel like lo mein,” he grumbles, roughly opening the fridge door and grabbing sparkling water.
“Okay, kind of random, but I’m gonna go with it. Indian it is.” I smile brightly and dial the number to our favorite Indian restaurant. It’s all coming together, finally.
Chapter 19
Sarah laughs, hergolden hair catching in the afternoon sunlight while we take a ride through the fields before dinner. It’s something we agreed to do once a week, no matter how busy our schedules get. Wednesdays are for family. My heart beats steadily as I maneuver my horse over to hers. I’m the luckiest chancer in the world. No matter how chaotic life gets, my Sunshine always is by my side chasing the storm clouds away.
“Sunshine, have I ever told ye how beautiful ye are?”
“Every day, Lex.” She smiles, her cheeks turning rosy. I love that I can still make her blush.
“And I’ll say it until the day I die.”
“Mommy, why does Daddy call you Sunshine?” Alexis asks, looking up at her mom in that sweet curious way she has about her. Christ, my heart is full right now.
“Because, Mouse…there ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone,” I sing, causing Wyatt and Alexis to giggle. “When I first met your mum, she was the most upbeat ray of sunshine. Her smile was addicting. When you were around her, life just got better, like you were warmed by the sun.”
“I believe your words were ‘sunshine on crack’.” Sarah laughs.
“Aye, my little sunshine on crack. Shilo rum do, Love.”
“Shilo rum do, Lex,” she whispers, meeting me halfway and kissing my lips.
“Barf,” Jax mutters on his horse behind us. I look over my shoulder at him and scowl.
“You know, Jax, women like it when you give them compliments.” Sarah winks at me.
“Mama, what’s a complo-ment?” Alexis asks. She’s wedged in the saddle in front of Sarah, while Wyatt rides with me. They’re almost ready to ride on their own, but for now, I love moments like this when we’re all together.
“A compliment is saying something nice about a person. Daddy called me beautiful.”
“Because you are bootiful.” She smiles up at Sarah and my heart sings.
“So are you.” Sarah kisses the top of her head.
“Can we talk about something else?” Jax groans behind us. He’s such a surly teenager. It makes me chuckle, remembering how I used to be. My parents knew nothing, girls were everything, and my guitar was life.
“Sure. Let’s talk about what happened last week.”
“Lex…” Sarah frowns, pointing down at Alexis.
“We’ll make it PG,” I say.
My horse snorts and Wyatt tenses. “S’okay, buddy. He’s only sniffing the air.”