Page 62 of Last Call
“She’s the reality star that loves to hate us, yet she keeps coming back for us to do her hair and makeup,” Sarah says. “She always comes in with her best friend, Amanda.”
“Oh, the one who ate cheese balls with her gum.” Andie nods. “I remember her.”
Kiki flips through the magazine, with Sarah looking over her shoulder. “Sonja King announced she’s three months pregnant with Simon Brown’s baby, her new beau she met four months ago on the reality show,Love Lost and Found. Look forPeople Magazine’s photo spread of her nursery designed by legendary Nashville designer, Jean Paul Pierre Luc, in our next issue. She’s also set for a live interview with Josie Janson fromNashville Next. Oh no, this is bad.”
“The worst! She not only stole my baby news, but she took my nursery designer and my reality show on top of it.” I stomp my foot, jealousy trumping my despair.
“Technically, she didn’t steal your news since you don’t have a baby… You know what? I’ll keep my lips zipped.” Andie shrinks back into her chair after noticing Kiki shaking her head vigorously.
“You guys, my life is over,finito, ruined.”
“TJ, no, it isn’t. Everyone will forget about Sonja by tomorrow,” Sarah soothes. “And Connor told us you weren’t using Jean Paul, so what does it matter?”
“Sare Bear, no one will forget Sonja. This is just the beginning. Her social media accounts will remind fans daily with baby updates and JPPL room pics. I’m sure E! News and TMZ will report about it. Short’s is right, I have nothing. Nothing to live for.”
“TJ, I didn’t mean it like that. You have so much to live for…” She looks helplessly at Kiki and Sarah.
“Relax, Shorts. I’m not going toendangermyself. Cheese Louise in clam sauce. I love myself and Connor, and you three bitches too much. Oh, and caramel macchiatos, I could never give those up. And Tatum’s butt in his Levi’s, and Cam’s muscular shoulders…”
“TJ, focus.” Sarah snaps her fingers, bringing me back to my doom and gloom.
“You know what?Nashville Nextsucks. They don’t know a good thing when it’s right in front of them. Screw them. We’re going to go bigger. Brighter!” Kiki tosses the magazine in the trash. “Sonja King can eat a dick.”
“Kinky, I appreciate the support, but it’s over. Connor and I lost the only baby prospect and nowNashville NextPete Davidsoned us. What’s the point of any of it?”
“Pete Davidsoned?” Andie wonders.
“Yeah, you know the SNL guy who jumps from one relationship to the next and tattoos everyone on his arm? It was so tradge when Ariana dumped him and then he went running to Kim K, but seriously everyone could see that was a cover for both of them, probs set up by her mom. And then she dumped him and everyone was like whoa, let’s take a breather Pete and Kim, and be on your own, but he was like I’m jumpin’ right back in—”
“I’m sorry I asked,” Andie says, massaging her temples.
“Wait, so you’re not going to adopt or foster becauseNashville Nextpulled the plug?” Sarah asks.
I shrug. “I don’t feel as passionate about it as I did before.”
“But TJ, youreallywanted a family. That doesn’t have to change,” Kiki reasons. “You can hire another surrogate.”
“You guys don’t understand.” I pout. “There was no one else like Penny. I’d never have that cat killer, Amy, carrying my child, or the Mountain Dew lady. Penny was my last hope.”
The three of them share a look.
“You know what you need?” Kiki says.
“To hide under my covers for the rest of eternity?”
“You need a girls’ night out. Tonight.”
“Yes!” Sarah shouts.
Andie smiles. “Mandy’s coming into town tonight. She’ll want to get her dance on.”
“I’m never dancing again.”
“TJ, remember what you said to me when I was down in the dumps over Cam?”
“That he’s too pretty to want someone in ratty sweats with no makeup and greasy hair like you?”
“Uh, no. At least I don’t think so. Did you say that?” Her brows furrow before she shakes her head. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. You told me life is too short not to get your dance on and I needed to get out of my tragic sweatpants. It worked, didn’t it?”