Page 75 of Last Call
“I think I’m going to stay here in case anyone calls. I’m still feeling kinda nauseous.”
“As your doula, I insist you stay and rest.” I boop her on her nose before turning to survey our loft. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m really going to miss this place.”
“Well,” Kiki says, pressing the elevator button, “luckily your husband runs the bar downstairs and you can come up here and reflect any time you want.”
“You’re telling me you’re not going to miss it? So many memories here. It’s where we first started.”
“Are you crying?” Kiki asks.
“No.” I quickly swipe the tear away. “Dust mote.”
“We outgrew our space, Teej. I, for one, will not miss sharing my office space with you when you take off your shoes and prop your nasty socks on my desk.”
“Or when he steals all your pens, takes the last of the copy paper and doesn’t replace it, or eats your yogurt that has your name in bold letters on it,” Sarah adds unhelpfully.
“Sounds like a you problem, Sare Bear.”
Andie calls out from her desk, “Or when he pushes you out of the way, so he’s not the last to arrive to clean out the kitchen fridge!”
“You guys act like I’m a nuisance when, in reality, I keep this ship chugging along.”
“Pretty sure Andie is the captain of this ship,” Kiki says.
“Well, I’m the cute sailor making sure all the knots are tied.” I wink.
Kiki side-eyes me.
“You love me.”
“We do.” Sarah pulls me into a side-hug as we step on the elevator.
“We do?” Kiki raises an eyebrow as we turn around in the elevator and wave goodbye to Andie.
“We do!” Andie shouts, and the doors close.
I love my three bitches, too.
Chapter 27
Andie’s eyes areclosed when I return from tucking Enzo into bed. Poor Andie has been so sick with this pregnancy. Hopefully, now that she’s in the second trimester she’ll start feeling better. I lie down next to her and put my hand over her rounded belly. It’s so fascinating to watch the baby grow. He or she’s the size of a mango now.
Andie startles awake and blinks her eyes open.
“Shit, I’m sorry, babe.” I kiss her lips.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Yeah. I put Enzo to bed and checked on Charleigh, who is fast asleep. Dishes are done. All is good.”
“Oh no, I’m so sorry. I meant to do the dishes. I sat down for a second to change clothes…”
“Shh, babe, it’s okay. You’re tired. You’re growing a baby, take it easy.”
“I put my phone in the fridge the other day and didn’t realize it was in there until dinnertime. Then yesterday, I took the kids out of the car and left all the doors open and the car running in the driveway. For an hour, Cam. Thank God it wasn’t stolen. I’m a mess.”
I chuckle. “Awe, honey.”