Page 83 of Last Call
“Totes agree. Remember a few months ago when Sarah did her makeup and Kiki designed that dress for her and when they asked who she was wearing, she suddenly had amnesia and couldn’t remember who the designer was or where she got her lip color from? Then when another interviewer asked, she said someone over at The White Bird. She couldn’t even get the name of The White Dove correct, not that they had anything to do with it. She sucks.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”
“I haven’t.” Kiki crosses her arms tight. “She isnon graditoat our studio. I don’t care how many reality shows she’s starred in.”
A video clip of Sonja with her best friend, Amanda, plays onNashville Next. Sonja looks pissed, distancing herself from Amanda on the red carpet, while Amanda smacks her gum, looking lost without her bestie.
“Some have said your reality TV best friend, Amanda Pierce, is the reason for the alleged strife between you and Simon. Is this true?”
“Sonja looks like she’s trying to hold in a fart,” I observe.
“Amanda and I are fine. There is no strife.”
Josie leans forward, a wicked smile replacing her concerned expression. “So how do you explain this photo of Simon walking hand in hand with Amanda leaving a pizza restaurant called Jackaroos the other night?” Josie hands her a photo.
“If Sonja had laser beams for eyes, that photo would be on fire.” Sarah giggles.
“They’re just friends.” Sonja shoves the now-crumpled photo back at Josie. “I knew they were going to dinner.” The screen shows the photo in question.
“Mmm-hmm, sure you did,” Kiki says.
“I don’t hold TJ’s hand like that when we leave a restaurant,” Sarah says.
“Mmm, girlfriend that is not a good look for your man,” I say. “He looks like he wants to twirl his meatballs with your bestie.”
“Yeah, Sonja’s not happy, look at her expression.” Andie shoves more popcorn in her mouth. “And gross, TJ.”
“Leave a little for us, Shorts. Is someone feeling better?”
“Yes. Y’all I finally turned the corner, thank God,” Andie says around a mouthful of popcorn. “I’m always hungry now.”
“Tell me about the controversy behind Jean Paul Pierre Luc’s unfortunate nursery design,” Josie prompts.
Sonja squirms in her seat. “I’m sorry, but I thought we were going to be talking aboutme.”
“We are.” Josie smiles. “You hired JPPL to design your nursery, did you not? Sources have told me you don’t even own the house and that you refuse to pay JPPL for services rendered?”
“Look at Josie Jansen thinking she’s an investigative reporter.” Kiki cackles.
“I hired him to design my nursery. I didn’t like his ideas so I fired him. That’s it. There’s no controversy.”
“So he didn’t design a French brothel under your supervision?”
“What? No. I would never approve of that.”
“So these pictures obtained byNashville Lifestylesdon’t show you standing in the middle of the nursery, smiling?”
“Ooh, she’s in the hot seat now,” I titter.
“Ah, that.” Sonja looks like a deer caught in headlights. “That was a promotional thing. That wasn’tmynursery.”
“So you didn’t threaten to sueNashville Lifestylesto destroy the pictures and spread defamatory rumors about JPPL, which in turn, drove his company into the ground? Is it not true that you are now in a lawsuit with JPPL?”
“I’m not commenting.” Sonja stands. “This is not what I thought it would be. We’re supposed to be talking aboutme! This interview is over. I’m done.” Sonja rips her mic off. Josie looks a bit stunned but recovers quickly. The camera crew follows Sonja to her dressing room. She whirls on them. “I will sue you if you don’t get this camera out of my face! I’m done here!”
“Well, that was unexpected.” Josie clears her throat. “I’m Josie Jansen, and this isNashville Next.”
“Well, that’s not good PR for her.” I look over at the girls who share the same stunned expressions as me.