Page 88 of Last Call
“Oh, sorry,” she whispers. “You poor thing. Kiki asked me to do a coffee run and she ordered you a mocha Frappuccino with extra whip and the cute little sprinkles you love so much.”
“You’re an absolute doll, Claire, but I quit the coffee crack. It was messing up my sleep schedule, and that’s a no-go when these two wake up at all hours of the night. But please, I insist you have it. I’ll be happy knowing someone will appreciate my former addiction.”
“Oh, okay.” She warily looks over at the venti cup. “It looks like it has a lot of sugar and calories, and I’m not sure about sprinkles in coffee…” She frowns before popping her smile back into place. “Can I help with anything?”
“Just here to do a little work for a client and then the girls and I have a top-secret special meeting. You can’t tell anyone.”
“Ooh, sounds dangerous.” She waggles her eyebrows and beams. “Lips sealed.” She pantomimes zipping her lips. Normally, I’d love Claire’s gusto, but I’m dog-tired and it’s a little too much juice in the blender this early in the day. I feel a headache tapping my brain as she sits and stares at me like a serial killer hyped up on Red Bull.
“Kay, well, I’ll be in back with the girls. Toodles.”
“Toodles.” Claire laughs too loudly, making me cringe. “You’re hilarious, TJ!”
Cara stirs in her sleep and I’m about to go mama bear on Claire’s ass for making dolphin chattering noises when her phone rings. I quickly wheel the sleeping babies into the back and knock on Kiki’s door. Sarah and Andie are in there helping Kiki hang dresses. I hold my index finger to my lips and point at the babies.
“Yay, I was hoping you’d bring them in today,” Kiki squeals.
“I swear to God, if you wake them, you’re changing, feeding, and burping them.”
“Uh, okay, you don’t have to ask me twice.” She swoops in and scoops up Cara. “I love that their bows are bigger than their heads.”
“I want one!” Sarah makes a grabby hand gesture and carefully picks up Rilee. “Hello, my little niece. You are so beautiful!”
My jaw hangs open in shock. “Um, hello? Have we all forgotten the handwashing rule?”
“Oh, Sarah and I used the restroom a minute ago.” Kiki rocks Cara. “They are so beautiful, TJ.”
“And?” I fling out my arms in exasperation.
“And…smart?” Kiki looks at the other two, perplexed.
“And did you wash your hands after going to the bathroom?” I stand with my hands on my hips.
“Ew, gross. Of course we did,” Sarah says. “Look at TJ being all Mr. Germaphobe Mom. It’s so cute.”
I flop down onto the couch and let the girls fawn over the twins.
Andie coos at Cara over Kiki’s shoulder. Andie is due in two weeks and we can’t wait to find out what she’s having. She looks up at Sarah and smiles. “Are you feeling the baby bug, Sare?”
“Nope. But I love my nieces to pieces. Have you found one to be easier-going than the other yet?”
“Rilee is definitely the louder of the two.” I rub my eyes. “She’s more demanding than Cara.”
“How are you and Connor doing?”
“Well, the first four weeks were awful. No one told me how much babies cry. I thought they’d be sleeping all the time like the precious little angels we met in the hospital. I swear, Rilee’s scream can reach decibels I didn’t even know existed. And Cara likes to throw-up formula on me every chance she gets. She ruined my fave cashmere sweater. I locked myself in the laundry room and cried. We didn’t know what the hell we were doing. Luckily Nana Rose was there helping us, and Maggie has been a godsend. But the real MVP has been Connor. There is no way I could have done this on my own. He’s been amazing.”
“Yes, Maggie was wonderful when Alexis and Wyatt were born.” Sarah smiles. “But I’m sure Connor would say the same about you, TJ.”
“Well, I didn’t tell you all, but I was depressed the first few weeks. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I was so happy to have them…ecstatic. But I wasn’t prepared for the reality of having twins. I cracked under the pressure. It’s a lot of responsibility raising two human beings that you have sworn you’ll never let down. Between the crying, the diapers, the feedings and lack of sleep, I crumbled.”
“Awe, TJ.”
“Gloria gave me the name of a therapist and y’all won’t believe her name. Dr. Bart! Isn’t that wild? It was meant to be, like sprinkles on caramel mocha lattes. She’s amazeballs and has helped me when I feel panicky or feeling uncertain in situations. Connor has been super supportive through it all. Everyone has made me realize I can do this.”
“You totally can, TJ. We’re here for you.” Andie hugs me. “I’m so happy!”
“Thanks. We have a routine now. They are…a lot of work. But totes worth it.”