Page 122 of Infernium
She removed her palms from over a tiny flame inside the crucible, which instantly fed on the root and Farryn’s hair. “I do not read the presence of the spirit. It is Farryn’s body which tells me these things. Her pulse is unusually high. The erratic marks over her flesh and frailty of her body tell me whatever is inside of her wants out.” A bit concerning, when she’d seemed surprised to know Farryn carried a baby inside of her, as well.
“Why doesn’t it leave her, then?” I kept my attention anchored on the flame as it grew taller, as Kezhurah pried Farryn from her curled position and stretched her flat onto her back.
I shook away the vile shiver of need pulsing through me on seeing her laid out. Even in her sleeping state.
Especially in her sleeping state.
“I would venture to say it wants something from her.”
“The baby?”
“What misery to inhabit a baby!” Kezhurah chuckled, running her hands over Farryn’s belly. “What could a soul compel an infant to do? No. I do not believe it wants the child. They do not typically inhabit without some agreement. They may compel outside of the body, but to be invited inside, Farryn must have given permission, at some point.”
“I can’t imagine she would have done such a thing knowingly.”
“You know as well as I do, Mr. Van Croix, that evil can be quite cunning. She may not have even realized at the time that she was offering her body as a vessel.”
I stared down at Farryn’s face, the seemingly peaceful sleep into which she’d fallen.Go now,my head urged. The small sliver of decency left in me. “I’ll inquire when she’s feeling better again. In the meantime, I will leave you to do your work. Should you need anything, let Vaszhago know.”
Kezhurah looked over her shoulder toward the closed door where Vaszhago stood guard on the other side, her stare lingering there for a long moment. “She may shake and whine a bit, but I promise, I am not out to harm her.”
A thunderous boom bounced off the walls, and my attention shot toward the crucible, where a blast of a flame rose up, licking the air.
“Seven witches! I’ve never seen that before.” Kezhurah waved her hand to blow away the thick plume of smoke. She lifted the crucible to reveal a black marking left behind on the porcelain.
“What does this mean?” I asked.
“I do not know. Ordinarily, the mixture of root, hair, and blood of aenge would burn for most of the night. I’ve never seen it burn all at once like that.”
Farryn’s limp body jerked upright, her eyes still closed, as if something had yanked her by the chest. From her mouth, a black curling smoke rose up from between her parted lips, and I watched as it hovered at the ceiling for a moment before dissipating. Her body slammed back to the pillow, and moments later, she moaned and shifted on the bed, but it seemed to be more in dreams than in pain.
“The unbound?” I asked, glancing upward to see a black, shadowy residue on the ceiling above us.
“Not entirely. It is a negative energy given off. As you know, demons can sometimes give off smoke that way, but in this case, the soul is angry about something. But do not worry. She seems to be okay.” The woman dragged her palm over Farryn’s forehead. “The fever has gone down significantly already.”
When she removed her hand, I touched Farryn’s skin to confirm for myself. “Good.” The blackness on my skin had crawled up to the level of my elbows, and without another word, I strode from the room. I hated having to leave Farryn in that state, but there wasn’t enough seraphica to stave off the urges coming over me. Damn this!
At the door, I spoke low to Vaszhago. “She comes recommended by a friend, but watch.”
Nodding, he gave a downward glance, undoubtedly noticing my arms. “Should I secure your chains?”
“No. Do not leave this spot. I’ll have one of the others do the honors.” I’d had the housekeeping staff chain me before, just under entirely different circumstances. “Keep me advised if anything goes awry. And what of the angel?”
His lips curved to a wicked smirk. “Paralyzed and chained.”
“Good. Anyone we know?”
“Calls himself Soreth. Beyond that, I didn’t ask any questions. As far as I’m concerned, the only good angel is a dead one. Unfortunately, he claimed to have a message for you.”
Soreth. Not the most threatening in the heavens, at least. “Once this shit-storm passes, I’ll head down. In the meantime, do not let Farryn out of your sight.”
On the way toward my room, I passed Vespyr, who shuffled down the hallway toward Farryn’s room. “Walk with me,” I said, bringing her to a skidding halt.
“Am I in trouble?”
“Where’ve you been?” We rounded the corner to the corridor where my bedroom stood at the end of the hallway.
“I spoke with Farryn, and she gave me the lowdown on your need for privacy.” She chatted quickly as she trailed my steps. “I went to visit my sister, is all. It won’t happen again, I swear.”